thought, just a thought

So many of us live our lives as if the secret purpose is to somehow get everything done. Often, we convince ourselves that our obsession with our “to do” list is only temporary- that once we get through the list, we’ll be calm, relaxed, and happy. But in reality, this rarely happens. As items are checked off, new ones simply replace them.

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hey u have a really kewl OD (opendiary) i totally agree with you on the whole big statement of urz! come and check out my OD and read some of my latest entryz and feel free to leave notez! buh~byez! :+)

lol, i agree about the to do list! i have a few.. argh..

Humans would be happier if they lived their lives more like a monkey. Just kick back in a tree, eat bananas, and observe others.

wow, thats deep man

are you….. being….. intellectual?? ::falls down from shock::