Working a 2nd job.
Hmm. OK. So Ive decided to take on a second job. I was about to regret that decision last Thursday when my body fought against me and
caused me to feel physically sick. What happened was I had gotten off work at my first job at 6:30 a.m., dropped a friend off at their house at 7 a.m.
I had orientation at Wal-Mart at 9 a.m. so after coming home after dropping them off I had to pack a lunch. There was nothing to pack so I left.
Got there and I almost instantly fell asleep in the chair. Little did I know that they were about to do a meeting. So while the manager went and talked
to the employees, I slept, though I wasn’t fully asleep, I heard bits and pieces of the conversation of the meeting. I woke up when he said "Welcome the
new employees." Frustrated and tired beyond belief, I sat up to hear the words "We are going to have the new employees do the Wal-Mart cheer."
Me and the lady sitting next to me looked at each other and said, "Seriously??"
We got through that then afterwards the manager had us go through some doors into the lounge. There, we made our name tags.
I sat there and could barely remember how to spell my own name.
Afterwards, we watched a few videos. Finally on break, me and another girl decided to go to Mcdonalds to get something to eat. We sat and ate then went back.
We watched more videos and filled out our schedules. Since I knew I worked 3rd, I knew I had a limited time space to work. So I figured if I could get in 4 hours of sleep
once I got home from my first job, I’d be okay. So I put my schedule as 11 a.m. – 4 p.m and 12 p.m. – 5 p.m. with Saturdays off. Surprisingly, they accepted the Saturday off
option but I was told I would not get many hours because of it, which I didn’t mind since I only wanted 10-15 hrs anyway. So after our last break came around,
I again went to Mcdonalds and came back to the lounge. There I nodded out. The girl beside me had to tap me so I would wake up.
Finally at 5 p.m. I went home. Took an hour nap. At 7 p.m. I left for work.
When I got to work, I felt so drained. I took a wake up pill and went and started working at 8 p.m. Two hours later, I had to ask my supervisor if I could go home. She had known about the orientation and had even asked how it went earlier. She said she understood and let me go home. The second I got home and got into bed, I CRASHED the minute my head hit the pillow.
And to think people, this is all to get another car and to find an apt. What I’m going to have to do is take vitamins and on my days off on Wal-Mart, just sleep in. I’ll have to do what I’ve been doing for the first job: Learn to turn the ringer off on my cellphone. A few of my friends have been upset that I haven’t seen or talked to them, but those are the ones that
(1) Don’t have a job.
(2) Think that just because I work that I still have time on my hands.
Granted, I love my friends & family, but my sleep and health come first. Definately now that I’m working two jobs.
They will just have to learn how to adjust to MY schedule now. Maybe people will get that hint if I stop doing for them.
Will write more later, I gotta go to bed. Gnite all!
That is true, but also be careful that you are not abusing yourself too much, or you won’t have the energy to work any job. Wouldn’t it be better to take more hours in one job than juggle 2? idk, I hope this works out for you. Ryn: You never saw my other picture entries? I usually write PICS on the title, but this time I forgot to do that. Glad to see you writing again.
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