Job interview
Someone from above must still like my ass because I just received a call for a job interview for tomorrow afternoon.
Its Cititrends. I had applied there awhile ago but supposedly they keep their applications longer than most companies.
I’m crossing my fingers and hoping I get it. It’s just part-time but at least I’ll be able to keep paying on my car and cellphone.
My mother always said I was lucky. *Shrugs* I might be. I think my persistance pays seems to pay off when it comes to jobs.
Unlike most, I don’t just sit around and not look. The day I got let go from my other job, I went out the same day and looked for another one.
I’ve always been like that. Now if the same would go for school work, I’d be set lol
Hope everyone has a good day!
I hope you get it!
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Best of luck with your interview.
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Oh yay! Good for you! I have to put a pause on my look for another job, cause I’m going to FL, but I agree with you. You gotta go out and get it!
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