Happy New Year and all that jazz
Well its the new year and I hope everyone had a good one starting out. Its mid-January and I’m doing good. I’m still at Wal-Mart, though the second job I had came to an end in December, though I don’t think it was entirely a bad thing since I was barely functioning. I like my job, its easy and they raised our pay a little, which is always a good thing.
Lately, I’ve been sick though. Last week I had to leave early because I felt dizzy. Went home and the next day my job called me and asked if I would like to come in. I was shocked and surprised. I told them that I would consider it in a few days if I felt better.
I got worse as the days went on First it turned into a cold, then a chest cold then that turned into bronchitis. I went a week walking around, first getting better then I felt worse. So finally went my chest started hurting and I couldn’t hardly breathe when I would sit up in bed, I decided to make an appointment. Luckily I found one that took people without insurance. Though I must say I wanted one of my friends to go with me and they made an excuse as to why they didn’t feel like going, then my dad said he wouldn’t be here, so I had to go by myself. I went in this morning and they had me fill out the usual paperwork.
After being diagnosed with bronchitis, the Dr. prescribed me an inhaler and antibiotics. So I should be 100% myself in 3-4 days.
Well, I’ve been having fun with my dad. He’s been here about 2 months and we have been spending some time together. A few days ago we went around looking for car/apt for me. I think I’ll find both in a few weeks, but as of right now I’m really low on money. I just paid off my credit card, car insurance and cellphone all in one month and I paid for my medicine out of pocket. Luckily I don’t have any other bills so I should be able to sit still til my next paycheck arrives. Me and my dad figure I should be able to get another car in about a month’s time if I just pay for my car insurance and cellphone and bank the rest. Sounds easier said then done . . . .
But with enough discipline I should be able to do it. Also we got W-2s and stuff coming in so with that coming and my paychecks at my job, I should have enough for a car and a deposit on an apt pretty soon. Speaking of buying things, I recently went out and got a dresser for my room. I was in desperate need of one. I was putting all my clothes in totes and it was overflowing with clothes so what I did was I paked a lot of my jeans and clothes that I wore a lot (or didn’t wear much) in bags and my grandmother gave them to goodwill. After I got my new dresser, I noticed my room looked a lot better. I wish I could post the image of it on here so you guys can see it. Its pretty. Now all I need is one of those big CD holders that hold about 500 CDs to put all my music in so I can get rid of that thing. Once I do that, I’ll have a little bit more room.
I’m doing my best and working hard and NOW I’m going to school. So with enough determination, I should have my car/apt by my birthday. At least that’s what I’m hoping.
Hope everyone else is having a good year! Missed you guys!
Good girl, getting things resolved. That’s what I wanna do. Ryn: I’m originally from Brazil.
I love it here.
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ryn: Thanks. No, I’m not making any kind of demands or anything. I’ve been looking for a job for a year so I’ll just suck it up and take whatever they give me.
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