whipped cream smells nasty after a while

so yes i stole a game from our BCM and we bobbed for skittles in whipped cream pies…well since i came up with the game…or atleast there…i didn’t have to play i just kept the stopwatch…o.k….easy enough right? Well there were 2 kids that decided not to play so we had 2 pies left over…well during my times of ignorance that i was around little teenagers…SPLAT! one right after another…i still have no idea who they came from…Well after that we played some f-ball…and then it got dark…did we stop…no way! Got out a spotlight and played on! I was all-time QB for one team…and this older guy mark ex-marine…really buff old guy…well older guy i’d say 40s…was the QB for the other team…and yes the kids voted on playing tackle…sheesh…so i made new rules…me and uncle mark couldn’t tackle…he’d have killed those kids…haha including his own…

The Bible study was kewl…Dr. Kubo lead the lesson…it was about a movie…something about this woman that had lost her short term memory…and in the end of the movie this guy had fallen in love with her…so he made a video for her to watch every morning and she fell in love with him all over again everytime she watched it! Wouldn’t that be kewl…to fall in love everyday! Well he applied this to how we forget God is there for us and he always has his arms stretched out wide when we forget about him…haha i’m jumping around…but at the beginning of his lesson he showed us a bow that was tied around his finger…and of course it was to remind him of something…well he applied that …as the videotape of God’s love…how it’s always there….then i couldn’t help but notice his wedding band…and there came the same thought…i dunno…was a neat train of thought…o.k. i’m rambling peace!

p.s.- my phone is dead and i’ve seem to have lost the charger sorry for any inconveniences

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July 17, 2004

holy crow! that is a great comparison to life, the movie i mean, and your title had me laughing on the floor!!! thanks for the prayers for adam and amy…it means more than you know. out for now…jon

July 17, 2004

I gonna kick him for saying, “holy crow!” :o) That sounds like an excellent lesson! It’s always good to remember those kinds of things, because lessons like that are always reusable. ;o)

July 17, 2004

lol..that movie you’re talking about is 50 First Dates..the one i watched the other nite and it’s filmed in Hawaii 🙂 Too bad about your cell…hey..you still have that phone card number? ok..well..continue having tons of FUN and stayin’ focused! love ya..can’t wait till you’re home 🙂

July 17, 2004

Hmmm, I seem to have left a message on your phone… And it told you everything I wanted to say last night… So it might be a little bit jolting. I’ll write you an e-mail, you can pick whether you want to read it, hear it on the voice mail, or just call me and I’ll tell it to you. Talk to you soon, TPSJ. God bless. And btw, the movie is 50 First Dates. It’s cute, you should see it 🙂

July 17, 2004

Errr, so I’m lazy and don’t feel like writing the whole big thing out in an e-mail. Call me once you find your charger and get the message and we can talk about it if you want. Don’t know what good talking would do, but if you have anything you want to get off your chest, that would be the way to do it. God bless.

July 17, 2004

…and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future! 🙂 I can’t think of the reference either! Haha! Whipped cream and skittles sounds like fun … I may use that game for one of our church functions! 🙂 I hope you’re enjoying Hawaii! 50 first dates is a very cute movie! You should rent it! 🙂 Have a great weekend! –Karen <

July 17, 2004

Oh yeah, and …. thanks for the encouragement! I really do appreciate it!! 🙂