Went horseback riding!

Yes, my hands smell like pooh, but that’s o.k….i had a blast! for alittle while we trotted along the road and as i heard their hooves beating on the asphalt…it reminded me of home…sittin by the lake studying and hearing the horse and carriage passing by…for the tourists or the honeymooners takin the tour of big nacky nack…geez i’m sore though…my horse’s name was Bell…and she was well trained…kinda old but well trained…met my new host family today…they fixed me a sandwhich for lunch..and slapped a big piece of lettuce right on the top of it…ack! but yah being a missionary had to eat it…and there ya go…i’m with them for the rest of the summer…good people…just different

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RYN: Yeah, the FMA is about same sex marriage, and trying to make an ammendment to the constitution that states that marriage is one man and one woman. I hope you didn’t get the wrong impression…I too agree. I think it’s really important that we tell our leaders how we feel about it though. I’m just sick of people coming into my journal and yelling at me for not being tolerant enough! Grr…

(cont) The thing is, God said it, so that is IT! I don’t think a lot of non-Christians realize that what we believe and feel is for the greater good of everyone, NOT to try to strip them of their rights. BUt we ARE a democracy, and the majority should rule! Anyway, take care, God Bless!

July 11, 2004

haha at you eating lettuce . . . they really dont ask you what you want on your swandwich? i think i would die having to eat lots of veggies. no fair about horse back riding i think i would love to go one day, but doubt that will ever happen, who knows.

I’m glad you have to eat green things 🙂 And I’m very, very upset at you for going horseback riding without me. Haha, just joking. Sounds like things are going well for you in Hawaii, green edibles and all. Take care there yoo-hoo. God bless. Oh and in response to your note, it’s not “married people and Marines.” It’s just people. The Marines part doesn’t matter. Actually neither…

July 12, 2004

…of the guys was married. And I don’t know what I did, ’cause to the best of my knowledge I don’t give out a “Hey married men, I’ll fool around with you behind your wife’s back” vibe. But agh, whatever. Catch ya later, Crazy.

July 12, 2004

I meant, neither of the guys was a Marine. Not “neither of the guys was married.” My bad.

July 12, 2004

lol..going into your second sentence there..i was almost feeling a “robert frost” moment, haha..sry, just flashing back to that english lit class…and good grief! this is the THIRD time i have read about your lettuce experience…chill terry..it’s a piece of lettuce, not attack of the veggie tales 🙂 lol, later

July 12, 2004

how long have you been missionary..ing…? GOD BLESS YOU for it! out for now…jon

ryn: yeah, actually, if i had a mother who was going to drink and smoke and put my life in harm in doing so. i would rather not suffer at all and go to “heaven”. and to tell you the truth, im a f***ing fetus. i dont have an opinion on whether i live or die. some say abortion is baby killing. no, its fetus removal, and cancelation of life. or at least thats my opinon. it doesnt have to be yours.

July 12, 2004

Horseback riding rocks! haha

July 13, 2004

That’s too cool about Chrissy! I’m gonna have to tell her next time I talk to her! 🙂 Horseback riding sounds like so much fun! Have a great week and God Bless! –Karen <

July 14, 2004

So cool to go back horse riding!!!!!!!!!…. RYN: yuh bit confusing situation LOL…. Yuh being a missionary its amazing the stuff ya get fed, when I was one in Africa…. I eat stuff I will never ever eat again in my life, only cos I had to Lol! God bless ya

RYN: thanks for your input. I quoted that verse about studying to show thyself approved becuz its one of the guy’s (mentioned in the entry) favorites… it sounded like you were making fun a bit? I take things the wrong way sometimes – but anyway thanks for your input.

July 14, 2004

Oh yeah, that reminds me, we still need to break in one of our horses back home. We might need a “Rodeo Clown” to come help break him in for us. You up for it “Buckin’ Bronco”? *lol* Lata dawg!

hey i jut wanted to respond to your note in tater~salad’s diary – america was not founded as a Christian nation. It was acutally founded on Deist principles (“clockmaker God”). the founding fathers were straight out of the enlightenment – take a look at Montesquieu’s Spirit of the Laws. recognize anything from the constition? sorry i dont have a diary for u to respond it, i guess i’ll check back

here sometime. oh and in response to your Bible entry – you left out that for a book to be considered for the canon it needed to be written before 400 BCE (they believed the age of divine inspiration ended with ezra) and it had to be in the Hebrew language (not greek). take care! – akf