Well yay and boo….

Had an awesome time last night camping out with the kids…of course it was in their front yard….and we had an extention cord running to the tent which had a t.v. and gamecube hooked up to it…so take a wild guess what we did all night (:..the wind beat the tent to where we couldn’t sleep regardless of what we did…we wrestled quite a bit…gave a wedgie here or there (:…Just got news today that my mom is shipping me my new phone…and my other phone will probably be disconnected….so pooh on that…i still haven’t gotten your package yet mel…): but i’m sure it will be here soon…Today is King Kamehameha’s b-day which was the last king of havai’i….we went to the parade…and it was nothing near the parades we have in kinder much less anywhere else…just a bunch of royal family people riding around on horses tryin to look pretty…haha everybody here looks oriental…i’d take my southern belle over anything that’s here in hawaii anyday…well that’s about all i gots to say about that…i’m alittle bummed about losin the cell…but mels been very nice with the FOD entrys and e-mails so i’m managing…I’m leading worship at a church that’s an hour down the road this sunday…i’ve never been there and i’ve been given vague directions on how to get there like (drive till i see an overpass then turn before i get to it and it’s all the way at the end)…i’ve got to throw together a set of 6 songs in one hour with 3 vocalists, a keyboard player, and a bongo player…so needless to say this has thrown me way out of my comfort zone…but the kewl part is that the service will be outside…keep me in your prayers that i’ll be able to keep my composure for the hectic weekend of preparing for VBS (which i haven’t looked at the material) and getting ready to play this sunday…i have been playing my guitar everyday since i’ve been up here though…i learned so much from this guy yesterday in the matter of about 30 minutes…i’ve also hadn’t had a carbonated drink since i got to havai’i wheeee hewwww go me….o.k. i’m out of here i need to practice or do something constructional peace out guys!


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June 11, 2004

aww you better still have your phone tonight cause you said you would talk to me tonight. if you dont i’m mad at you. not really, but sad. good luck with everything. i miss ya.

June 11, 2004

Hey, thanks for letting me know about your phone. If ya hadn’t I’d just think you were ignoring me, but I know better by now, haha 🙂 I’ll be with my family all weekend so I might hop on and off AIM. Talk to you soon. God bless, TPSJ. Miss ya! See ya soon!

June 11, 2004

LOL, my my…Glad you’re doing well…Yeah, i tried calling you tonight…noooo answer…i know why now, so it’s cool…glad you’re not ignoring me :)..sorry, heh :P…miss you lots! gl luck on Sunday…you’ll do fine! I’m praying for ya…laters babe.

hehe..”well that’s all i got to say about that”..reminds me of forrest gump..i love that movie 🙂