Unfinished thought….

Had this idea in my English class one day…didn’t quite finish it so i’ll make an attempt to here….

“Fallen Heroes”

Where is the glory in body bags, flags, and a short memo.

Would you consider this a life well lived?

Or a life wasted away, for the lack of common sense to run and live another day.

loss of dignity you say?

Look in the eyes of a dying man then tell me where you see his dignity.

I see a whithering corpse that joins the thousands that have come before him, all laid together in their concrete jungle

A memory and a small flag is all there is to show for your efforts….you’ll never see the fruit of your labor….what’s the point?


This short thought was orignally brought up over the passage of my class talking about war.  But, the more i thought about it, the more i realized it also plays a roll in my job field.  As everybody knows i’m striving to get into the State police academy.  In order to do that i’ll have to be able to take a life….geez scary thought…even a life at the youngest age…lets say 18 or 19…that’s 18 or 19 wasted years that never came to their full potential…or a parents loss because they wasted their love of the last 19 years and now their child is gone….people have families….what gives me the right to tear that apart just cause i’d have a badge…or military people contract their life away…

random ramblings….

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November 4, 2004

It’s those people who make the *ultimate sacrifice.* Servicemembers know it’s possible to die any day, but do it anyway to protect families out there, the friends, the lovers. We care so much about this great United States and its people that we would die for its legacy. What’s dumb in that? Course it’s your perrogative to think so. That’s what they die for. Maybe one day it’s what I’ll die for.

November 4, 2004

If someone were attacking your wife, would you just let them? Or would you defend her? Even if that meant taking someone’s life…? That’s what the military does, except on a broader spectrum. We protect everyone’s wives, everyone’s children. Even the grown men who won’t fight for their country. Police officers, in a way, do the same thing. I wish your view wasn’t so shallow… It’s really a shame

I pretty much agree with erin…people who make that choice to serve, make it knowing the possible outcomes of their line of work…they should go in knowing that. It’s a selfless act…someone has to take that responsibility, or else we wouldn’t be here…and i personally don’t think any honorably person dies yearning to know the “fruit of their labor”…what honor is there in selfish pride??

November 4, 2004

Benjamin Franklin said, “Humility makes great men twice honorable.” Not only recognized for what great things they may have accomplished, but recognized also because of what gift they hoped to give to mankind, without being concerned about what glory they may have attained for themselves.

I agree with both of them. They’ve explained it pretty much the same as I would so…I don’t have anything else to add. TTYL! Bye. ~Lindsey

November 5, 2004

Yes, it is a serious thing to take a life, and it is something to be avoided. Police used to be called “officers of the peace,” and children were told to ask a police officer for help if they got lost, needed help or were in trouble. Is that still true? I don’t know. I think you want to be the best kind of PERSON you can be; the fact that you will wear a badge and carry a gun should not stop you!