sorry guys….

just wanted to apologize to becca, mel, and jess for my speech last night…uhm…after thinking about it i realized it made me no different from any other joe blow on the street…and that’s not who i’m suppose to be….so sorry guys…(:…and i’m sure it probably didn’t offend any of you…i’m just feeling guilty and i guess i offended myself…if that makes any sense…if i’m to be a leader and being on missions…i’m “called” to a seperate and different lifestyle…so anywayz….now that that’s out of the way…VBS went well today…the preschool kids follow me Everywhere! and i’m not even their teacher…they form this train behind me…and follow my every step…o well…it’s like i have a few extra legs…anywayz hope everybody has a good day God Bless!


p.s.- be in prayer for my former host family…their son is scheduled to be baptized into the mormon faith tomorrow on his b-day…i feel their grief…and his mom is suppose to be meeting the mormon bishop today…he is 16 and his name is trey…they had a problem with their first son that converted and he said that he would move out if his parents didn’t support him…and they didn’t so he moved…and now the youngest son is saying the same thing…the mormons have a strong hold here…because of their mysticism and the hawaiian natives find their traditions intriguing…so stay in prayer…thanx

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June 16, 2004

LOL…My bad, I didn’t know that of all the times you would note me that this would be the time…*lol* I don’t really know what you are apologizing for but if it makes you feel better and clears your conscience then “I forgive you” 😀 A big LOL to all the kids following you around like a “Mother Duck”…now you know how I feel all the time with you guys around me…I LUV IT! *lol* Bye, Ter-Ber

June 16, 2004

Sorry babe, my fault too…VBS starts monday here..i’m excited..everything is going good…i’ll be praying for trey and his family…i know that’s gotta be hard…hope snokeling turned out fun! laters

Yeah, being in a position of religious leadership DOES call a person to a higher standard of living. Make sure that you’re not just putting up a front in Hawaii — keep it when you go home. God’s with you all the time, not just when you’re a missionary in a land where you don’t know anyone. It’s almost easier to earn the respect of a stranger than someone close. Friends know everything…

June 16, 2004

…be the kind of role model that even the people who know your darkest side can look up to. Even if someone knows all your faults, your stumbles, they know you’re a good Christian and that you recover well. And that you learn from your mistakes. Learn from your past mistakes, Terry. Stay strong, always. Love ya.

June 16, 2004

i know this istn apporpriate for this diary entery but i was thinking about u the other night. lol i was in the quarted the other night and got stuck in a down pour. i was soaked from head to toe. hair, halter, paints, everything drenched. well i had to run 6 blocks to the car. the whole way ther i thought of u lol runing in the rain, all wet, i felt like i was putting on a show (for free) thought

June 16, 2004

u would like that. well have fun. ttyl. 😉

June 17, 2004

its ok, but plz stay strong. i need you too for when you get back to help me. i have no one kicking me in the butt and i think i really need it cause i know that . . i just dont care anymore. . ok i’m verry sleepy and can’t think anymore. gnight

June 17, 2004

† Radiate in Me †Oh yeah sure! Definitely in prayer here. Good to hear about VBS!! That’s so precious a/b the preschoolers! I know how that is but Im usually their leader! Thats too cute! =) Keep shining! Take care & God bless ya bunches! ♥ Your sis in Christ,

lol…the little kids following you is cute! I can just see it. I’ll pray for that guy that you asked us to pray for. Oh…your mom told me to tell you to call her asap because she needs to talk to you. She was in the store yesterday and told me to get in touch with you somehow. I have no idea why you need to be forgiven so I guess I’ll just stay out of this one. Have fun and stay strong!