Random thoughts….

Yep, i think i may have lost my job today guys…i watched "coach carter" and now i’m jammin to alittle jeremy camp tryin to relieve alittle stress…..like for instance….how am i going to pay rent and utilities?  And now that i’m sitting here…i realize….i really love Christian music….it gives me a feeling that nothing else does….music with a purpose.  I wish i could get a job that was in a positive atmosphere.  Maybe i could make money playin my guitar on the sidewalk :)….if i could make enough to pay rent and utilities you’d see me out on that sidewalk everyday….lovin my job :D…

Here’s a question that popped into my head today…..Why does misery love company?  You think of it as an old fashion saying…but it’s really true….my first impulse tonight was to call somebody and tell them of misfortune…instead of trying to figure out how to work this thing out….granted once i called them i didn’t want to talk cause i’m not really the guy to complain about stuff that really just is "my" problem.

Here’s another…."Blind faith" or as some would say it "going out on a limb" i remember when i use to work at the pizza shop in kinder my boss told me about a church she use to go to.  The pastor there stressed tithing so much that he told them to tithe even if it meant they couldn’t pay their bills….and trust that God would provide…..well she did….and the next week the power was shut down in her house….lesson in life?  I’d think so….

Geez did i get fussed at today…..and the whole time i had the whole "fruits of the spirit" goin in my head….i kept telling myself "longsuffering…fruit of the spirit….yah longsuffering" everytime i thought of it…i laughed…why do i settle for a mediocer (sp.?) life.  When God wants so much more for me. And for you as well….whoever may be reading….

All that being said…i turn and say what do i do now? Do i pray and trust that God will make all things well? When the example of my boss paying tithe and losing power to her house….or do i try to do it myself….

"Trust not on your own understanding but, on every word that flows from the mouth of God" (paraphrase) i don’t know the verse….ok i’m gonna try and get some sleep…God bless you guys!

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You can always try eating a little pudding…that always helps me. -Kevin

That’s one place we’re opposites…I like to talk about stuff and you don’t 🙂 And geez it gets on my nerves, lol..but I understand, I have my moments of solitude as well…I can go to diaries but i can’t sign on to my own..so this is unsigned…anyways, i miss you very muches and can’t wait to see you in august, hey, that’s next month! *hee*, but things are going well ova here..i’m praying 4 u.

Love always, Mel p.s. you’ll see it again next week, but…say *pancake* 🙂