Mumbo Jumbo and Gobbledy Gook

Are actual technical speech terms that are in my speech book. Go figure.


Got most of my grades in and it looks like my GPA is going to skyrocket by .05, wow now if that isn’t as exciting as a mule eatin bryers then i don’t know what is.  Played alittle halo with tony last nite and we started to realize that there are alot of racial kids out there. By racial, i mean the throwing of racial terms. So tony and I sought out on a quest to make a racial term against "Whitey".  Honky and most other whitey racial slurs are kinda lame so we made Cauky…pronounced like caulk in a caulk gun but with a ee sound on the end….and of course cauky is derived from caucasian for those of you out there scratching your heads. 

I earned an A in my english and sociology class, but yet somehow got a B in tennis?!  Stuff is goin weird at the apartment we just resigned our lease last weak and tony is already talkin about moving out.  Him and zach haven’t been getting along. 

Going home for Christmas, but sadly it’s gonna suck this year.  Nobody is going to be there, my mom has to work, tanya and her inlaws decided she needs to be up there this year, so it looks like it’s just gonna be kevin’s family and maybe my sister, in which i had plenty of during the whole hurricane evacuation mess. Hopefully we won’t be taking another trip to the emergency room this year. Kevin’s kid got sick a couple of years back and we spent Christmas at the hospital.

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December 11, 2005

I remember that Christmas. Scary trip to the ER… But you did really well. Everyone did, even though they were worried — and rightfully so. Even though Christmas might be lacking a few people this year, I’m sure it will be fine for you. Maybe you’ll get an X-Box 360 2-0g Alpha Bravo Charlie hyperphonic techno…..yeah. That didn’t work. Merry early Christmas! 🙂

December 11, 2005

Nah, we can’t afford that stuff, haven’t gotten anything that expensive since early high school

December 12, 2005

lol…cauky??? who came up with that or tony? Christmas seems to get less like Christmas every year 🙁 Hopefully I’ll get to see ya a few times over the break… glad ur grades turned out A-Ok…i hope mine do :-/ love ya babe!

December 21, 2005

yes 🙂

December 23, 2005

MERRY CHRISTMAS! and stay away from the hospital! I watch e.r. and they have the wierdest cases on the holidays! lol on your new white racial slur…i hhave to admit, it is pretty funny sounding! out for now…jon

December 26, 2005

Thank you for the Merry Christmas voicemail. Sorry if I have been distant lately. I know, Im a horrible person and friend. 🙁 I did not hear you yell at my graduation. I did order the Graduation video though so when I get that, I will listen for your “whooping” 🙂 Hope I get invited to your graduation so I can yell when you talk your walk of fame! *lol* Happy New Year!