Living for the moment Vs. the life ahead of you

Many people today find themselves living in the moment.  Whether peer pressure, hormones, need to feel accepted, or fitting in with the social norm….we all do it to one degree or another. What we don’t realize is that God gave us rules to abide by for a reason. For instance talking to a 17 year old about how he got drunk when he was 16 and had a toilet seat around his head is no biggie…but talk to that same 17 year old about it when he’s 30 or 40 years old…and trying to set a good example for his family…ahh now that’s another story…because one way or another word gets out…and either the parent is faced with telling their children a lie…or telling them the truth which would condone the kind of behavior they may be curious of participating in….so live a good example now…that you may not have regrets, shame, or blame in your older age…and aside from the obvious of leading other Christians astray…(end of thought)

I had an awesome Bible study last night…by myself unfortunately but it was good stuff…i read the 1st chapter of Colossians and this is what i got out of it…

Chapter 1 verse 21: And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now he has reconciled 22: in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in his sight 23: if indeed you contine in the faith, grounded and steadfast, and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel which you heard….

Now notice the word IF…New king james version…and zondervan say the same IF so it must be the same word in the greek…we were once alienated and enemies in our minds by the sins of the flesh that we partook in but now we are forgiven through Christ’s death to present us holy, and blameless and above reproach in his sight…IF we continue in faith, grounded and strong, and are not moved away from the gospel…”study to show thyself approved” (proverb)…there is no sin that abounds beyon God’s grace…keep that in mind (:…God Bless!


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June 7, 2004

I’m glad to hear you had an awesome devotional time. The whole book is great, and chapter 1 starts it off perfectly…keep the faith babe! love ya! ~mel

June 7, 2004

I say live for the moment because you never know if there WILL BE a life ahead of you! (end of thought) *lol*

June 8, 2004

glad to here you are getting back to studying, maybe you could kick me in the butt a lil. i know i could use it 🙂

January 23, 2005

You don’t know me, but I just wanted to say your entries are really inspiring. My dad is a preacher and unfortunately I went a little wild after I got out on my own and I regret the things I did so much now. I’ve gotten my life back right with God, but it’s hard to live with the physical and innumberable emotional scars I now carry. Give living for him don’t give up. I’m praying for you!

April 16, 2005