jammin toby mac in the car

love is in the house and the house is packed!…me and the kids went and passed out flyers with our portable radio in the car…jammin to our tunes cause the car doesn’t have a c.d. player…we passed out quite a few flyers and got in trouble for going to this restricted non flyer accepting area…cause the wind blows them off the cars…so we claimed ignorance and drove away…haha the guys were so paranoid that they were going to be in trouble…that they immediately told on themselves as soon as they got back…sheesh…anywayz it was fun stuff….we also chopped bamboo and they started roasting the extra bamboo to polish it…stewart pastor’s son is makin his dad one for father’s day and carving his name it…is that kewl or what…one day…i’ll have sweet kids…lol

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lol awww thats cute. :o) Random Noter -Kristy.

June 13, 2004

lol your kids sweet. funny how i just can’t imagine that 🙂 sounds like a good idea with the portable radio lol. and whats the deal with the bamboo? you rost it?

June 13, 2004

Wow, so the TV images of Hawaii aren’t true? They don’t roast pigs and put apples in their mouths… They roast bamboo? lol @ the ten million notes you left me. Sorry if anything was weird. Feel free to e-mail or call once you get your phone and ask questions if ya like, if there’s any kinda confusion. I doubt it though, seems all good. God bless! Miss ya, TPSJ!

June 13, 2004

How come you NEVER leave notes on my diary? 🙁 I see how it is……*sigh*

June 13, 2004

Awh! Poor becca..i’ve also wondered that too…you will leave tons of notes on your ex’s diary, but none on your dear friend becca’s?? Hmmmm…how odd…lol..ok..well, hope you’re having “flyer” fun!! 🙂 laters!!