I’ve got a question (scriptural)

Well other than my question service was great!

Okay, here it goes…sorry for lack of scriptural reference but everybody knows the verse where it says (paraphrase)  “God has come to save all, to the Jew first then to the gentile.”  Why is that?  I know the Bible says the Jews are God’s choosen people. But why are they choosen based on their race or ethnicity. Seems as though everyone that’s not a jew takes 2nd place.  I’m guessing Adam and Eve were jews? I didn’t have a choice when i was born that i didn’t pop out a jew….why should that be held against me? anyway…what do you make of this other verse

Matthew 16:19 what’s your outtake on this verse?

“And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed[d] in heaven.”

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March 20, 2005

I thought everyone was a Jew back in those days? So maybe they are referring to EVERYONE when they refer to Jew? I don’t know, I’m not the “chosen one” to talk about this kinda stuff. Religion is too in debt for me. And nobody ever has the same point of views on the subject. So why even bother dwelling on it? Move on and accept the fact that you’re not a Jew. *lol* Peace out dawg!

March 20, 2005

Jews were God’s people back then because they were the followers of God. All others were gentiles — nonbelievers. But now, Judiasm is not the “chosen religion” (according to Christians) because they don’t believe Jesus Christ was the Messiah. God took care of the Jews first because of their faith in him, but at the same time, did not leave the gentiles to the wolves….

March 20, 2005

…because before we even loved Him, He loved us first. As for that other verse, I don’t know its scriptural context and don’t have my Bible up here at work with me. It’s good to ask tough questions — that’s the only way you can grow. Much love, TPSJ. Good luck finding the answers you need. I know you’ll get them, because you want to. I know how much Christianity means to you, deep down inside.

March 21, 2005

It’s Romans 1:16..”I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation to everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.” The Jews were God’s chosen people..why he chose them, we’re not sure.I wouldn’t jump in saying that he “randomly” picked them, b/c God has a reason for everything he does. But they are the line through which the Messiah came…

March 21, 2005

If you look at their history throughout the old testament..there is a continual direction toward the coming of Jesus…He came to die, and fulfill the prophecies of the old testament. On the cross “It is finished”. I suggest reading Romans, it explains much about the jews and gentiles. Written by Paul, who was a Jew himself…as for the other verse, good question…

March 21, 2005

He was talking to Peter..who actually wasn’t the first “Pope”..he wasn’t talking about building His church on Peter, but Peter’s faith..upon the belief he confessed that Jesus was “the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Read the whole passage..not sure what verse 19 exactly means..but i think i’ll look and see how it translates in greek 😉 good questions though..you sure got me thinking

one more thing…adam and eve were not jews…the jewish line started with abraham..remember what God said to him..? 🙂 *me*

March 23, 2005

i have a question..what was your last diary name…i can’t remember….didn’t it have “rain” in it?? iwas just randomly wondering

March 28, 2005

uhm. I believe he is refering to the fact that the children of Abraham are the ones he gave the “way of salvation” to through the law- then he opened it for all mankind when he sent Jesus. as for the other verse- I’d have to look it up and study it before I’d have a good answer… I’ve just never thought about it.

March 28, 2005

you know…Ruth wasn’t a jew…

March 28, 2005

Hey, it’s just disappointing that you never answer. And would it be wrong of me to assume you’re ignoring? You’ve told me before that you do that sometimes. The purpose of my call wasn’t to tell you about my news, it was to catch up. Because we haven’t talked lately. Wanted to know how you’d been and whatnot. And you could call me if you wanted to, but would you buy a phone card? (No.) Later Tater

March 29, 2005

If you really wanted to get in touch with me, you’d have bought a phone card and asked for my # here by now. After all, I’ve been here +7 months. That’s all I’m sayin’. Not really feeling the love over here.