i’m bored…here’s another survey, pic. on front p

1.      First Name:  Terry although my mom made me believe most of my childhood that my first name was terry paul and so i was called by all the kinder people terry paul….
2.      Were you named after anyone?  yep i was named after my fasia…because when i was born my mom was knocked out and they asked my dad what to name me…and he was clueless so i was given his name…which my mom didn’t like at all…but it was already on the birth certificate so i’m stuck with it…i think this is the reason why she calls me terry paul instead of terry

3.      Do you wish on stars? all the time

4.      When did you last cry? haha no comment that’s a secret
5.      Do you like your handwriting?  nope

6.      What is your favorite lunch meat? turkey
7.      What is your birth date?  nov. 28th 1983
8.      What is your most embarrassing CD? don’t have one
9.      If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? yeah
10.     Are you a daredevil?  yes if the company is right…
11.     Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell?  Yes
12.     Do looks matter?  not really…
13.     How do you release anger?  quietly
14.     Where is your second home? lol glad i changed the answer on this one…michelle wrote “erin’s house” boy would that have been messy…any to answer the question…anywhere with mel…(:
15.     Do you trust others easily? no not at all
16.     What was your favorite toy as a child? ninja turtles
17.     What class in high school do you think was totally useless?  sophmore year

18.     Do you have a journal? uhm…i’m writting now..?
19.     Do you use sarcasm a lot? of course! (:
20.     Have you ever been in a mosh pit? yes it was a blast

21.     Favorite movie?  gladiator

22.     What do you look for in a guy/girl? cute, funny, sweet, easy to talk to, smart, voice, haha *smell*
23.     What are your nicknames?  babe,shnookems,tpsj,slim shady (tari
24.     Would you bungee jump? if given enough incentive
25.     Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? my shoes don’t have laces
26.     Do you think that you are strong?  guess it depends on who you’re comparing me to
27.     What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? js got that flavor (song)
28.     Shoe Size? 11
29.     What are your favorite colors? green,blue,
30.     What is your least favorite thing about yourself? insecure at times31.     Who do you miss most?  mel, everybody, jude
32.     Do you want everyone you send this to, to send it back? nah
33.     What color pants are you wearing?  blue penguins

34.     What are you listening to right now? i don’t want to know by mario35.     Last thing you ate? bananna

36.     If you were a crayon, what color would you be? green
37.     What is the weather like right now? windy

38.     Last person you talked to on the phone? mel
39.     The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?  voice
40.     Do you like the person who sent this to you? i didn’t get it from anybody41.     How Are You Today?  bored
42.     Favorite Drink?  don’t have one
43.     Favorite Sport? volleyball, football, tennis
44.     Hair Color? brown with natural highlights
45.     Eye Color? brown yes my head is full of it
46.     Do you wear contacts? nope
47.     Favorite Month? December yay for fireworks and the 6th
48.     Favorite Food?  mexican, spaghetti, crawfish
49.     Last Movie You Watched? i don’t remember something with jess.50.     Favorite Day Of The Year? every 6th
51.     Scary Movies Or Happy Endings? scary movies definitly gettin a arm hugged on to is fun
52.     Summer Or Winter? winter…lots of body cuddling to stay warm53.     Hugs OR Kisses? both
55.     What Is Your Favorite Dessert? oreo cake

58.     Living Arrangements? hawaii at the moment…workin on a roomie for the fall semester…any takers?
59.     What Books Are You Reading? Bible?
60.     What’s On Your Mouse Pad? dell
61.     Favorite Game? lol  poker?
62.     What Did You Watch On TV Last Night? the back of my eyelids63.     Favorite Smells? mel nonchalantly farting on me…then chasing her around the room for payback…haha sounds gross…but i guess we’ve become beyond the point of being comfortable…from spitting on each other…to tossin boogers in my hair which made me up-chuck…in the sink…we’ve pretty much covered it all


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June 1, 2004

Glad to see the “TPSJ” in there, pal. Later.

June 1, 2004

hardy har har..need i say more 🙂

June 1, 2004

You didn’t put the nicknames in there I gave you…I see how it is. *lol* Those were all sweet answers though about Mel…except for the farting and booger stories…now that’s just TMI man! That’s not professional! :-p