Harsh words turns Souls Cold

Ever gone to an event or experience with someone and somebody criticize you for it later….hmm let me give you an example:

You go fishing with one of your best friends and you care alot about how they think of you or how they view you.  Let’s say you enjoy fishing and it’s one of your favorite things to do….or atleast it use to be….Your friend has decided that, since you’ve stopped fishing, you must suck at it…and remember keep in mind you care about the way this person views you… so wouldn’t that make you want to stop fishing with that friend altogether? Or even stop talking about the matter…maybe even find somebody else to confide in about the matter…(subj. at hand).  Beating people over the head will never bring them back to where they should be…

*lesson for the day*

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April 17, 2005

I guess it depends on your attitude and the way you perceive things. Some people would be hurt by that and avoid the situation. I would probably take it as a challenge and go fishing with them more often just to show them that I don’t suck at it at all. 🙂 Or I would just tell them, hey, I just don’t like fishing anymore.

April 17, 2005

Some people pick on others about things because they are feeling bad themselves. People are mean for three reasons: 1. They are hurting and want you to understand how it feels. 2. They are frustrated or aggravated. 3. They just have no conscience. In the event that the latter is the case, you’re out of luck. You can’t teach somebody to have a conscience.

“You say tomahto, I say tomehto, let’s call the whole thing off.” -Kevin-

April 17, 2005

Oddly enough, I think I understand this metaphor. Don’t let someone else affect enough to make you want to quit fishing altogether, k? If it’s something you love as a part of your life then don’t let anyone else influence its presence. As for the friend, just talk to them, tell them the approach they’re taking is hurtful. A real friend will care. God bless, TPSJ.

April 18, 2005

she loves you and she is just trying to help the only way she knows how. at least that is what i get from this. if i’m way off sorry.

April 18, 2005

Maybe your friend is extremely hurt that you don’t go fishing with them anymore, and they are just frustrated and confused by the fact that they don’t understand why you don’t want to do something you used to love so much. Maybe they think you don’t value them as much…I’m sure they don’t think you suck…you need to clearer explain things to them so they can be the friend you need.