Getting to know yourself

“Listening to your heart

finding out who you are is not simple

it takes time for the chatter to quiet down in the silence of “not doing”

we begin to know what we and who we are in our silence


Are we all products of our upbringings.  From where we place our faith to the difference in foods in our diet.  Could we honestly say we would be the same person if we were born by different parents and in a 3rd world country…It is our distinct character traits that make us who we are and distinguish us from everyone else.  By all means with this i challenge you to be someone different and not to conform to the social norm. Find yourself…and by this i mean…challenge your convictions and ask yourself why you have those convictions.  Challenge everything you’ve ever known to have a foundation and prove that foundation sturdy or false.  Most people spend their whole lives wondering around aimlessly without a second of thought of what their true character means to the people around them.

I’ve told a couple of people my ambitions for my life.  I don’t want to live out the same ole life as everyone else….be buried away and forgotten within the following 10 years.  I want to make a difference.  Say that my life was worth living.  I saw this example today in class when my sociology professor made the statement of  “i may not be changing anything now, but when you guys grow older and you encounter real-life situations that may remind you of this class….those are the moments i live for” So find what you’re living for, and pursue it.  Otherwise what do you have to show for yourself 40 years down the road?

*food for thought*

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February 1, 2005

hey look..this entry is posted twice on your diary! lol

February 1, 2005

i want to be a beautiful person….live life to the fullest…take every day as a blessing…i want to travel…have a family…enjoy my job…know that through my love for life i will make a difference…if you love what you do, it will show..and it won’t be a job to you…making a difference and not knowing it…to those you don’t know that matter most…be happy..and smile 🙂

February 2, 2005

I really liked this entry…smile

February 3, 2005

Taboo…it’s a really fun game. You should play it someimes! Get a group of guys and’s a blast.

February 5, 2005

i was going thorugh some diary’s and i just wanted to say hello and please if you have time please check out my diary and let me know what you think of it.

January 29, 2006

“But may it never be that I would boast, except in the CROSS of the Lord Jesus Christ…” Galatians 6:14a