finally an update

but i’ve already written one and it didn’t work…so
here’s nothin…i’m in hawaii doing nothing once
again…i’m missin everybody back home…but i’m also
learning alot about myself….i heard a story that
once said…and old couple was sitting in their pickup
truck…and they saw another couple pass them on the
road…the couple was snuggled up together as they
were driving down the road….the wife turned to her
husband and asked….why don’t we sit like that
anymore…the husband replied…i’m right here…and i
haven’t moved an inch…i think we do this in our
spiritual lives…we sway away from God…and end up
fighting our way back in order to be filled…with
love, peace, happiness and many other life’s
unobtainable emotions that can’t be fully experienced
without God…Switchfoot’s song describes this
situation perfectly: “This is your life, are you who
you want to be?” I’ve taken the song to heart and
reevaluated some of the traits i wish i didn’t have
and how to become…the man, role model, parent,
spiritual leader that i should be. The time away has
helped…but it’s made me desperately homesick for
anything that’s somewhat familiar…i’m here…and i
know God wants me here…haha…now what do i do? 🙂

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June 24, 2004

lol..yay for FOD cooperation now…that’s awesome that you’re learning more about yourself, especially your spirituality…it is the most important. Always remember, it’s your relationship with God that should always hold first place 🙂 love you and praying 4 u! p.s.~speaking of Switchfoot…i kinda would like my cd back, lol

That is an awesome song! I love them!

June 24, 2004

i miss you and if your phone isn’t dead you need to call me. i dont feel verry good tonight so i think i’m going to bed early luv ya Jess