Constitution and the Bible

Today in my Constitutional Law class, we had a quite disturbing debate between the seperation of church and state…

(didn’t know where to put this topic so feel free to move it if u wish)

We started out discussing a case in Alabama where a judge was basically ordered to take down the 10 commandments he had on display in his courtroom…well of course the Christian community had an uproad over the matter, but little did most of us know was that it was engraved on a huge 5 ton tablet in the courthouse…and not some frame hanging on the wall…well the courts found their way around the ruling in most cases…saying that its’ a historical document of law…and not just a religious symbol..there’s been a few other cases where people have made monuments on "state" property parks…and since its state funded they had to be removed…thats a bunch of malarky…

but then we started talking about Christmas…and how the government is passive and doesn’t take an active stand against Santa Claus or the 3 wisemen…you can put them on any part of public property…and nobody cares…and reason being….(according to political science professor) the goverment views Christmas as a holiday of mall shopping and large boosts in revenues…and has pretty much lost all "religious" meaning. Granted i wouldn’t want the government interfering with Christmas…but geez…that shows you where we stand…as a nation spiritually.

Also…seperate tangent….no where in the constitution does there say "you shall have a right to privacy"

which is what the supreme court infered…in the landmark Roe vs. Wade that the woman’s right to choose is apart of her right to privacy…a right…that they magically pulled out of a hat…

now the 4th ammendment does say you have a right against unlawful search and seizure…but that only applies to law enforcement agencies…or any organization that is publicly funded

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September 4, 2006

RYN: “Wow, 12,329 NOTES!! spin doctor extraordinaire [Dried Rain]” What do you mean by spin doctor? If you mean what I think you mean, I don’t see how having 12,329 notes (it’s more now, by the way) implies anything.