Comical host family….with pics

Well today was our big trip to the beach with all the youth…there were about 9 of us…and we had an awesome time! Today was Mr. Edney’s b-day and we had a family setting type dinner around a very nice round table…and they broke out the kewl silverwear….we had a ham that had one of the sweetest smells of cinnamon i’ve ever smelt….it smelt like christmas back home…well after we ate we remained in our seats and began to play games….evidently family tradition because i was very confused with what was going on…well we played mad libs…which is kewl…i’m gonna have to get a book for when i get back to college….it’s somethin kewl we could do at becca’s house…or now jess’s…then they preceded to hand out the presents….well it was kinda funny cause as he opened his present we kind of passed it around the table so everybody could look at it and try it out….well his last present was from his daughter…and it was wrapped in this origami type thing….well he opened it up and there was a miniature baby carriage with a baby inside….lol the son asked “so you’re pregnant!?” she said 6 weeks…you should have seen the family explode into happiness…they already have a little girl…which makes what seems to be an old family all become a kid again….funniest thing though they were all high-fiving the dad and gave lots of hugs to the pregnant lady (fiona)…it was a very exciting moment for them…and it was kewl that i got to sit in on the news….if only all families were like this…to some children are accidents and they are looked upon very shamefully or with deep regret because there is a new obligation….i’d sure want to be in the family that rejoices…like i was totally blown away with all the kewl reactions….anywayz it was an awesome moment…oh yah i forgot one last detail from the beach…i tackled one of the kids and he kicked up sand all over my face…i thought i was gonna be blind…but luckily the kids led me to the water where i could wash off my face…


Me preparing for the hail mary pass! The game is on!

Throwing off to the other team…of course since i was the oldest i was alltime QB.

the kids…pastor and i takin da group picture


ah you can’t it that well…this is my precious hoku (star in hawaiian) this is the girl that dances in front of the church during our worship service…very cute 🙂


and this is me planning out our 4th down play….

“Carried away” by sonicflood

You are the open door of freedomYou are the only hope I have
The reason in my reason
The only thing that lasts
How could I begin to settle
When all within me longs
To step into the shelter
Of your everlasting arms

I wanna get carried away
I wanna be tossed by your waves
I don’t care where or how deep
I’m gonna jump in with both feet
I wanna get carried away
I wanna get lost in your waves
I wanna be held by your truth
I wanna behold all of you
I’m gonna be all yours today
I wanna get carried away

Some say You’re far away
But I know You’re here with me
I could go anywhere
And still you’d be there with me
I know You’re with me

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July 16, 2004

Since you are a missionary and all, I ask that you keep Jonathan Oubre in your prayers for he was in a bad car accidenct yesterday and is on life support. Pray that he also does not suffer from brain damage. Thank u, Terry! I keep you in my prayers also to have a safe trip back home. You better call me too so I know that you are safe, when you do get back! Congrats on the baby news! 🙂

July 16, 2004

I have always learned the most about family and society in general by watching. 🙂

July 16, 2004

that’s amazing that you got to hear the good news with the whole family 🙂 sounds like you’re having fun! mad libs are a blast!! havent’ done those since like 5th grade, but it sure would be interesting for us all to get together and do ‘um…lol..ok..well.have a good ya!

July 16, 2004

awesome entry! it’s always a great experience to welcome a new life into this world-even if it is just news of a pregnancy. pray for my singles leaders, they are dealing with a miscarrage now, their second and it is hard…adam and amy. those are thier names. great song too! GOD BLESS YOU! out for now…jon

July 16, 2004

RYN: I WANT to know what the sex is, but this one is shy so I guess it’s going to be a surprise. 🙂 I have my final ultrasound next month I think, so maybe I will find out then. 🙂

July 16, 2004

I remember the smell of Christmas. I’m glad everything worked out that night, I wasn’t even there at the beginning and was pretty frightened by it all. I’m just glad I was able to be there with you for it. As for kids and rejoicing, that’s really sweet. Maybe one day I’ll have a little girl with big blue eyes, hah. Talk to you later tonight, TPSJ. God bless.

July 16, 2004

I would love to see the pix, but, of course, I can’t 🙁 Maybe you could send them to my email? Peace out! Keep my friend in your prayers….Thanx!