Bummer holiday

Okay, i got my wisdom teeth pulled tuesday…all 4…my face looks like a chipmunk….and it feels like i’ve been hit in the head with a sledgehammer….i don’t remember leaving the office or the ride home…but, they gave me some good Percocet. Grandma had a blast with my cheeks being huge…she took pics and everything…needless to say i didn’t find it as comical as she did and they will probably come out looking like prison photos.

My head is killin me…and when i close my eyes i get dizzy…oh ya and i left my phone charger at grandmas and my phone is dying as i’m typing…so i’ll probably be without a phone for a while.

My turkey day consisted of mashed potatoes and mac n’ cheese.  Melanie made me fudge but i can’t eat it cuz i can only chew with my front teeth…it took me about an hour to try and eat a twix once i got home…It’s gettin around that time again for finals…stress and irritability are right around the corner.

On a lighter note Christmas festival starts this weekend.

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November 27, 2005

yay for christmas festival…i’ll ignore all the other bummerlicious blahs…it’ll all pass…i hope I pass this sem..gl with finals babe! luv ya

November 28, 2005

happy birthiday

November 28, 2005

awh! jess remembered your b-day 🙂 i already told ya…happy b-day again though…so year 2000? well..i must not have been around, i thought it was cool…