a year ago today

I was stranded on the beach in california forced with the decision to sleep on the beach or hitch-hike home….well i’m still breathing today….so obviously i hitch-hiked home….this is the story:

Last year 4th of july:  The 3 missionaries i was with decided they’d take the day off and they wanted to sleep in today…soo i got frustrated and told them to bring me to the beach cause i wasn’t gonna waste the 4th sleeping in…so i figured i’d surf while they slept and we’d just meet up sometime that night on the beach cause there would be a fireworks show there…well little did we know that there’d be 10,000 people on the beach…sooo i walked up and down the beach till about 9 pm….which was a good 5 mile walk…in which i had a 10 foot surf board…and a wetsuit…so i’m truckin along with my thumb out walking along the beach…while others are passing by me in their big trucks….well to my surprise i got picked up! A bunch of drunk Hillbillys…lol it’s not right to label but that’s what they were….they offered me a beer…i politely declined…haha told them i had to much stuff to carry and i still had quite a bit of walking to do….well they ended up bringing me 2 miles the wrong direction! so to make a long story short…i eventually made it to a familiar highway and walked the rest of the way home….geez i was sore for the next week!

This years 4th of july:  Was pretty kewl…we hung out at the beach alot today…and yes i got to surf once again! keepin that tradition up…we went to the beach i got burnt at yesterday then trey decided to go to another beach alittle ways down…i ended up meeting a couple of what i thought were missionaries…shook there hands exchanged names…where we were from and whatnot…wasn’t till after they left that i found out they were mormon missionaries or elders…i felt yucky…like i’d just shaken hands with the devil himself…or someone i’m in competition with…see it kinda threw me when the gawked when i told them i was a missionary in the same town they were…wasn’t till i found out they were mormons that i put all the pieces together..well anyway.(: saw the fireworks gleam off of the ocean…with my host family…andddd Auntie Donna’s son married into the mormon faith…and his father-in-law is the mormon bishop for this area…so one sec. i’m chillin watchin the sunset the next i’m surrounded by mormons…i mean they were everywhere…and the mormon bishop dude…guess how many kids he had….yep that’s it 7…6 girls and 1 boy…they were all a year apart and he had the perfect number 7…lol…it was very disheartening to see all of those people there with mislead lives…and their slowly bringing in more recruits…they mormon hold here is very strong…w.e. is the big thing at the moment they are in on it…for ex. weight lifting…basketball…you name it they have a facility for it…anywayz me and ole pastor haven’t talked since our last scuffle 2 days ago…not sure what the plans are for tomorrow…we’ll see…peace out guys!

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July 5, 2004


July 5, 2004

RYN: Hi. I don’t know when school starts back up, because I’m on the Disney College Program right now. Do you go to NSU? I had a disheartening missionary experience last July 4th too. We wanted to go witness at the most popular place for people to go visit on the 4th, but our director decided that we would go to a gospel singing. No one was there except for us missionaries.

July 5, 2004

But we did end up putting tracts in the cases of beer and coke at the local convenience store. 🙂

Just remember that you can’t discount anyone for their religion, and it’s not our place to say who’s “icky” or not. God tells us not to discriminate, because once we start separating ourselves from others because they’re a different faith, we start losing the ability to speak to them as a person. Even missionaries of another faith can be shown the truth. Never feel like they’re “competition,” …

July 5, 2004

… just that they’re another lost soul who needs to be shown the right path. You should never feel gross just for talking to someone, especially if they’re someone who needs help, and even moreso if they need help and don’t realize it. Glad you got to surf again for the 4th — I got to ride crazy carnival rides 🙂 Hope life is picking up for you since we talked the other day. God bless, TPSJ!