I’ve gone viral

I spent the weekend attending a model car event a bit north of Charlotte, NC. We always travel on Friday so we can visit with friends who work at the different shops in the Charlotte/Mooresville/Concord area. My friend and I stopped by and visited three different race shops on Friday where we had contacts. It was the first time I had ever been in the Penske Racing shop so when we were in the public area I pulled out my little digital point and shoot camera and took some photos. While I was standing there they wheeled the 2013 Dodge Charger race car prototype from one of the setup rooms down the aisle and into the back area. Naturally I took some photos, they were fairly poor because I was avoiding the flash and the car was being moved but these came out decent:

I posted those two on the model car building message board I help to moderate, someone got them and forwarded them to the Twitter account of a sportswriter who covers NASCAR for the AP and Yahoo. Apparently now I’ve gone viral in less than 12 hours. Everyone is speculating on who took them and how we got in while next year’s car was being wheeled around.

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Oy. Sounds like someone at the Penske shop is going to be upset. How are you doing?

February 21, 2012

Awesome! It’d be cool if your name did get attached to it. 🙂

February 21, 2012

That is so exciting!!!! 😀

February 22, 2012

…and the award for the best comment goes to…. 😀

February 25, 2012

Wow, that’s pretty awesome! Hopefully you get credit for them. Oh, hey, I just realized you have been my one and only steady reader since I started here on OD. Thanks for sticking around. I appreciate it a lot.

February 27, 2012

You alright? I haven’t heard from you in a while.

March 1, 2012
