I’m building myself a sandcastle of dreams
Of wishes and hopes, stacked up like
A row of tin soldiers,
Waiting for the waves, the tide to come and
Knock them down.
But no, not really.
I’m sitting here on the edge of two worlds,
Where earth meets the violence and peace
Of water,
Where salt smells are tangible and lasting,
Sticking to your skin like errant pieces of sand,
Not easily washed off.
This place clings to my soul and I had managed to forget
For the smallest of fragments of time
How beautiful it is –
How lasting. How eternal.
The beauty here is breathtaking and haunting
And real. It all comes down to something real.
And when sandcastle dreams are claimed again
By the sea of reality, its time to back up,
Laugh at the tide, evaluate the world around you
And stack one grain on top of another,
Beginning to build again.