
I never thought the potential
Of a new beginning, a change in scenery
Alone was enough to see the world
From a different point of view.
I never imagined that the simple things
Could carry so much weight,
How much I missed the gentle lap
Of wave tips
Before diving headlong into an ocean
And how sweet it can be to swim.
I never imagined myself facing a
New beginning, where the rules and patterns
Of relationship ruins are
Thrown out,
Started over – no.
Not started over. That book has run its course
And no playbook will interfere in
This game.
This time I’m learning to accept the smallest
Signs of gratitude
Without expecting lighthouse signals.
This time I’m going to learn the pleasure in
The minuscule – not because its all I get
But because, if this is a start,
I want to remember every second
Every smile
To create a new album of memories
Over the wreck of old

Did you really think I’d never want to even try to fly,
just because you sent me crashing?
Think again, love….

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