And God remembered…

It should be pointed out that God does not forget like we do.. we’re only human and blown about by any force of imagination or distracted by anything that seems shinney and new.. or vaguely entertaining..  we remark on how easily we forget things.. and how quickly time flies… “I didn’t have time…”  we’ve even come up with cozy sayings to help explain our forgetfulness.. “I’m having a senior moment..” we are so forgetful.. of names, places, times, people, experiences, everything..

God is not a man that He should fail or have flaws.. for God to be God He must be more powerful than anyone else.. and that He is.. but it doesn’t stop there.. He is also perfect.. flawless.. forgetfulness is a flaw.. we suffer from it because of a fallen nature and a decaying body.. how many times have we said or heard someone say.. “when I was younger I could…” or “I remember I could tell you every album Queen ever released..” or some such thing..


But we come across verses like..


Gen 8:1  And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters assuaged;




Psa 78:39 For He remembered that they were but flesh; a wind that passeth away, and cometh not again.


Does God forget? Not at all.. but sometimes we get so familiar with the troubles and strife in our lives that we seem to forget that God is on our side.. we convince ourselves that we have failed and fallen or that somehow God has forgotten me..  But dear friend the truth is so much different from the illusion.. Our loving Heavenly father wants us to grow in our dependency upon Him and to mature in faith.. this can only happen through trusting Him through the adversaries of life..


If your going through the mill.. and feel like your being ground down never to surface.. don’t worry.. “and God remembered His covenant with ..” you.. He will not see you fall nor be humiliated.. He loves and cares and will come through in the nick of time.. J




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