-what is love?
what is love?
im willing to bet youve asked yourself the very same question at least twice in your life…
so, what IS love?
is it that feeling you get when no one is around you
as you think of a certain someone and what the future could hold?
is it that moment you have when you realized she smiled…at you.
is it the time you got there late…only to find her waiting?
i think its the moments in which i think of her…
the times shes always smiling
the times shes always there…
those moments that happen every day…when you realize, life….is good.
she is my reason for living
my reason for giving…
with her at my side i couldnt be a better man
with her at my side, i could live forever.
and i will.
this feeling fills my being
i dont how to react
all i can do is just be
just be all the me i can be
as i live off this love…
nothing i can say
nothing we can do
can prove
the love i have inside
the stuff i try to hide
its true…
i am only on this earth for you…
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*soft smile* I’ve become convinced that there is no one answer to that question…like so many things, love is what we chose to make of it…and it sounds like you’ve chosen to make something truly glorious of it indeed. And good for you! 🙂
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