winter is about to happen…

 I have been reading OD as much as possible for the past few months, and noting every now and then, but I just haven’t had much time to write. I actually forced myself away from OD and facebook for a while because I started documenting everything that was going on and not really experiencing the moment…. I knew it was time to quit when I saw something happen and thought "oh, I can’t wait to post that on FB". So yeah, I’ve been doing my best to explore Washington DC, get to know my coworkers at Sephora, and find a teaching job.

And it looks like the last bit has been taken care of! I was offered a teaching spot at a studio that is around the corner from my house, and they offered 7 classes to me. I said okay to 6 of them, and then proposed another two classes. I will start teaching in January, so I’m pretty excited. 

I’ve already told the Sephora people that I need to scale back my hours in January, and they’re cool with it. In fact, I met someone from another store and she asked me if I’d like to come to their store in January/February and help to train their new hires. I said I’d like to… in fact, I’d love to work in that store regularly since it’s in a really great location and has a clientele that is better suited to the services I offer…  What I get in the mall that I’m at right now is a lot of teenagers. The people I work with are fun, but that store is small, dirty, and just in need of a lot of love…

I guess that’s about it… I need to start teaching soon so I can save up money. I want to go to my 20 year high school reunion this summer and it will be on South Padre Island.

DC itself is a weird place; to be honest I don’t really like it. I think it’s normal to feel this way though, especially when you’ve left behind 16 years worth of friends, family, a career, and a city that you truly love. Also, I miss the heat. This place is cold, yo.

We’ve also been cooking a lot lately and trying to cook things we’ve never had before. I made some french chickeny mushroomy champagne creamy sauce thing one night, and then I made paprikash also (dang, that was good). I think we’re making a coffee chipotle brisket tonight I think, from a cookbook called The Homesick Texan. Yup, we bought it just because we resonated with the name.

I’m happy to be back in the gym more regularly; I’ve been going every morning before I go to work and sometimes I’ll stop in again on the way home since the gym is right next door to the metro stop that I take to get to and from work. I’ve also started taking the Perricone Metabolic Formula vitamins. It’s a ten day vitamin program that is supposed to fire up your metabolism. I wouldn’t have taken them except they were given to me for free by the local rep; she likes me because I’m a big fan of the skincare line and she wants me to try them and hopefully help move them in my store (we sell that line at Sephora). So yeah, I’ll try to let you know how they work… so far they’re pretty good, I’ve lost two pounds in three days without changing my diet. Also, I’ve had a cold, so I haven’t been working out at all for the past two days.

blah blah blah…. listen to me ramble. I have a cold right now, so I’m really cranky. I’m going to wrap this up before I get any more circuitous. 

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The teaching news is amazing! Congrats. I’m sure you will thrive. DC is a weird city, but it has a lot to offer if you’re willing to explore a bit.

Congrats on the classes and everything else too!

December 11, 2011

glad you’re giving yourself a chance to explore. happy to hear about the teaching news. the vitamins sound really interesting, definitely curious to hear more about those vitamins after you’ve taken them for awhile.

December 12, 2011

DC is fascinating, but the people all seem very transparent. There is a level of pretentiousness there I can’t quite put my figure on.

ryn – I’m helping out a friend who is a counter manager at The Bay (think Macys), selling watches. Just Christmas help in December. Prior to that, and in the new year, I’ll be hoping to score some more corporate event contracts. I could’ve done fragrance demo, but watches is much more fun, actually — and not catty at all.