why is the summer so hard for me?

I don’t know why, but summer is always the hardest season for me to get through. The weather is my favorite, but shit seems to explode all around me during the summer. I think I’m being cut from the teacher training faculty, unofficially. They are talking about using salaried employees as much as possible for that since it’s much cheaper than using a contracted employee (that’s me, I’m expensive). They haven’t actually told me any of that, but a few slipped sentences here and there and it appears that the writing is on the wall. Also, Rich’s company asked him if he would cut his hours IN HALF. So… we’re taking a big financial hit this month, and the end isn’t in sight.

His mother continues to be a financial drain on us, but I don’t know how that can continue to happen. She costs us over a 1000 bucks a month with her various bills that aren’t covered by her social security check… and we can’t say no to her, so it’s a pretty tense situation. We’re both pretty sunny about the whole thing though… I literally thought "oh hey, maybe we can finally sell this house!" Because the house… it’s awesome,but so expensive. And I really want to downsize anyway. Less clutter, less garbage! Let’s just keep some clothes, a little furniture, and the pets!

Oh, and all of the cologne. I could probably pare that collection down, because let’s face it, who wears Giafeffi anymore? Oh, that reminds me, I just bought this. I love it. Probably not the best thing to do with our current financial sitch, but hey… I did that on Tuesday and didn’t find out about Rich getting downsized until Wednesday. Plus, it’s awesome and I like to smell good.

I think I will need to go back to doing massage to supplement my income if I’m not going to be teaching as much as I have been. It’s good to have skill to fall back on. Whew. Okay, I’m at work, so I should work.

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God… they are going to loose out by cutting you! I hope things work out for you guys!

June 4, 2009

LOL my cologne is outdated, too. But I still love it!

June 5, 2009

eek, sounds like a tough week. (hugs) i hope the rest of the summer turns out better for you. kudos to you for being so versitile with all your skills. 🙂 @};———

June 6, 2009

It’s a really good time to sell in Austin, apparently… the market is holding here and home sales are pretty decent. We have someone interested in our rent house and it hasn’t even been on the market for 6+ months! Might not be a bad idea to put it on the market and see what happens…

RYN: You, sir, are super cres.

Thanks for your note. 🙂

June 17, 2009

Just a hi from.. like, forever ago. You can come to the UK and massage me, if yawant.

June 17, 2009

Massage is always nice. I need to have less clutter in my house. It can get quite messy.

June 18, 2009

ryn: thank you!!!