what I”ve been up to lately

Sorry I’ve been gone for so long, but I’ve been working on other things… mostly I"ve been busy working at the yoga center. It’s pretty satisfying, but also a little aggravating. There’s no structure, but I’m building it, and it’s slow going. Sigh.

I’ve also been busy documenting something… I find a lot of lost things in the streets here, and I’ve been photographing them for months; those of you who are on my facebook know this already, maybe. If not, you can check out some of the pictures here. 

I’m also trying to raise some money to fund an art project- I want to publish these photos in a coffee table book format. If you feel inclined to donate a little bit of money to my cause, I’d be really happy 🙂 You can check out my kickstarter page here. I’m just trying to raise 1200 bucks, and I"m already a quarter of the way there, the kicker is that I won’t get any of the money unless I reach the goal in the set amount of time… please help, even 5 or 10 bucks would make a difference to me! Thanks 🙂


and now I’m on my way back to the yoga center for a meeting.. I’m prepared for it to get ugly because the owners have decided to call out some unfriendly behaviors by teachers specifically in this meeting. It’s going to get ugly. 




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The owner where I work had to send an email one time to remind the teachers that we need to live what we teach and if she ever heard again about teachers talking about eachother she was going to get rid of certain people. There was a clearing out of teachers over the last two years. The group there now is lovely. Sometimes it’s just necessary.

March 21, 2012

yay, happy to help fund your fun project. Sorry I couldn’t give more! Excited to see your book when its done. 🙂