well, the computer is still dead…

I need to send it off for data recovery, in fact. I would just wipe it all out, but I’ve spent about 2000 bucks on music, movies, videos, and games at the iTunes store, and I just don’t want to lose it all. So, once it’s all recovered, I will wipe it and start over.

I joined a new gym, one that is just a block away from the yoga center, so I can make it there without going out of my way at all. Yay!

The snake is doing well here at my house. I’ve named him Sneakers, which makes me laugh because he has no feet. SNEAKERS! Not just a cat’s name anymore!

I’ve decided that I need to quit drinking, like, entirely. I’m just drinking way too much, and too often. I know it’s time to quit because I mostly don’t want to. I want to keep drinking and partying, but you know what? My body can’t keep up with it, and also- I don’t like the way I behave when I drink. I say things I don’t mean, mostly for a laugh, and that’s just not me. So yeah, there’s that.

I still need to finish my tattoo. All of the major components are there, now I just need to fill in all of the interstitial areas.

It’s been so long since I’ve voted in a presidential election and seen my candidate win… I almost didn’t know what to do with myself this week! Although, I did find it odd that people would greet my by saying "Obama!". Um, "howdy to you, I guess." I understand the need to feel like part of the group, or to show solidarity, but can there be a less annoying way of doing it? A button, or a tee shirt perhaps? and what if I was a Mc Cain voter? Oh yeah… gay mexican yoga teacher automatically equals Obama supporter, right?

And also, I need to catch up with my faves….

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November 9, 2008

that’s interesting, you never struck me as the type who drank that much. i mostly stopped drinking, and i’m happy with it.

Hehehehe, I haven’t been out for a good drinking and partying night in so long… I need to do more of that!