the weather is crazy

The weather has been totally nutty lately. Last Thursday it got up to 80 degrees, and Friday was just as sunny and beautiful (a little cooler), and then Saturday was in the 30s. Just wacky.

I’ve been making myself take more public yoga classes. It’s good for me, because I tend to get lazy during my personal practice. I’ve also enjoyed sampling classes from teachers I’ve never studied with before. I did have someone tell me that I was a little intimidating due to my position on the teacher training faculty, but they apparently got over that because they taught a truly kickass class. I’m definitely going back to her class.

I have been meaning to repaint my toenails forever now… the polish on them is chipped and looks really bad.

Rich’s aunt turned 99 on Saturday, and we went down to San Antonio to see her. On the way, we stopped at some outlet malls, and I flipped out when I found a perfume shop that carried some good designer names. I bought some Guerlain- Habit Rouge and Mitsouko- and then looked around some more. I was hoping to stumble across some Bond No. 9, but they’re a smaller niche house, so I didn’t think it would happen. And it didn’t. If you find yourself at Saks or Barneys, look for them… my favorite thus far is Andy Warhol Silver Factory.  Yum.

My little dog Almond is starting to worry me because he’s so skinny. He won’t eat unless the other dogs are near him and eating also, so I have to stand guard over him so that they don’t come and eat his food after finishing theirs. We also were feeding him some wet puppy food, and switched over to the dry dog food that we give the others, and it seems to be more effective on getting weight on him. We use Bil-Jac food… put the food in their bowls, and then cover it with hot water and it makes it soft and mushy…. so it’s basically a wet food. We prepare it that way because we read that dogs that eat dry food might not be able to drink enough water afterwards, and that might cause kidney problems. I don’t know if that’s entirely true, but I do know that my dogs love that food.

My cat has decided to be friendly to me, even going so far as sleeping right next to me last night. It was kind of annoying, but I do like that dumb cat. She’s HUGE. She’s bigger than any of my dogs, probably about 15 pounds (the dogs are 13, 11, and 2 pounds). That cat was also a gift from my mother, another one that Rich asked for.

This next weekend will be another weekend spent in teacher training, and I’m loving it! I like going to Whole Foods and getting a nice snack and then spending the day teaching and practicing with these folks.

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January 26, 2009

good luck getting the little dog to eat, we had the same problem with our cat….the younger one would eat all of the older one’s food. annoying, but much better now since they’ve lived together for a few years. @};————–

Awww, Almond is truly a pack dog. LOL I’m glad you wrote that about your personal practice. I tend to be the same way. I love to take other people’s classes. Its hard for me to get out of teacher mode when being a participant, but I keep trying! 🙂

January 29, 2009

wow, finding Habit Rouge on discount is quite a feat! I am looking for Eau Imperiale, my dad used to wear it and as a child I didn’t like the pungent smell, but I have been thinking about it lately out of nostalgia…

January 30, 2009

99 is amazing. So are 80’s for winter temperatures. my cat is skinny too, and i’ve tried everything. i think she’s catorexic. Maybe your dog is? ryn: you often get the best note award. creative much!