summer funk

Things are gettin’ funky. Rich and I get this way in the summer… we’re fine with each other, but we both want to sell off all of our belongings and hit the road for a long time. I hope we can do that some time soon… I really just want to live with less stuff. Too much stuff! I need a break from stuff.


but not from OD.


I might go into business with a friend… we had a date to sit and hammer out details, but her grandfather died and she had to leave town. While I do want to teach yoga at the center, I’m ready to give up my other job in favor of a similar paying job of my own creation. More on that as it develops.

My manager at the yoga center gave me a gift card to whole foods, for being awesome. It even says that on the card "thanks for being awesome". Tonight I’m going to WF and  buying a whole bunch of hummus. Yummus.

The center is crazy busy around here, the phones are ringing like mad, and then there are just people everywhere!

I had to  miss my appointment with my tattoo artist this weekend. My paycheck usually arrives on Friday, and I was counting on depositing it on Friday and having it available to pay for the work on Saturday…except it didnt’ arrive on Friday. It always happens that way. Also, I’m having trouble getting paid for a day I worked almost a month ago. They’ve had me call in the numbers to our attendance system three times, and I still have yet to see the money for that. I’m getting a little peeved. Maybe that’s one of the factors contributing to my wanting to go solo.

Gah, I need to go… busy busy busy!

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June 9, 2008

I just made a big batch of hummus on Saturday and have been eating it everyday since. So delicious. My partner and I just did the editing/spring cleaning type thing. Enough with clutter/junk/material possessions, I totally agree. I feel that way too.

I miss teaching solo. Its so different teaching for a studio… and its not different in a good way. I can’t wait to sell off all of our stuff and move to NM. It’s just what we need.

June 9, 2008

technically Summer starts 06/21… but you’re hot and can get away with it. yeah… less stuff sounds tempting. But, wouldn’t it get boring after a while? Then, you’d have to buy all new stuff…. Vicious fukn circle.

June 9, 2008

i get wanderlust in the summer, too. that’s the great thing about being gay and not having children; too bad gas prices are too much for a road trip, though!!

June 10, 2008

good luck with the business plans. that’s an exciting endeavor to be one’s own boss.