saturn return

My sister is in the middle of a Saturn return, and that’s why her life has been such a trial lately. If you’re into astrology, then you know what I’m talking about… the Saturn return is a learning period, but the lessons are all along the lines of ‘learning the hard way’.

Typically they happen between the ages of 29 and 31,and she’s 30 now… it hit me last night that she must be in her Saturn return because of a lot of things… not just her recent miscarriage (which still hurts, I find myself thinking a lot about what could have been. Fucking Anne Murray and "dreamer" make me fucking cry like a baby), but also… get this…


Well, it’s mostly contained, and is burning itself out right now. For the past two days, a wildfire has burned 27,000 acres (and still counting!) of land in the rio grande, all of it bordering on my sister’s property. She’s like an island in the middle of a fiery sea… See, the fire started on a man’s property when his trash fire got out of hand… he didn’t let the volunteer FD put it out because he was housing illegal aliens on his property who worked his fields. Well, the fire went crazy, nobody could get onto his property to put it out, and then his cattle stampeded and killed a lot of his illegal workforce, and now the whole thing is going nuts.

She put her important belongings and pet carriers into her truck and called me. She was crying, and I was trying to be strong. Then it happened. I swear to god and jeebus, her shell cracked and I was literally in awe. My sister became this powerful, strong, primal WOMAN. I’ll try to remember her words:

Goddess Lady Kelly: "okay, enough. I have work to do. I’ll call you later."

And she did… her husband was evacuating cattle from their property (they have this bull that is worth 200,000 dollars and they sell his semen for breeding…that bull is basically their job). While he was doing that, she (unbeknownst to him) hopped on the family tractor/land mover and built a wall around their property in the direction the fire was coming from. Then… she opened all of the wells on their property and flooded the ground. Some of the trees caught fire, but the soaking wet ground saved the grass from going up… and also the houses- hers, her brother in law’s, and her parent’s in law’s houses.

My sister saved the fucking family farm. Words can’t express how in awe I am of my own little sister. She fucking rules, y’all!!!!

I am so moved, not just by  her, but by the power and strength of women. I truly believe that women are more capable of men, simply because they are trained to be strong and to bear such massive burdens (what training could do that? Um, I dunno… maybe giving birth and being responsible for mankind THROUGHOUT ALL TIME?).

It don’t matter to me if you’ve had kids or not… if you’re a woman, then you have my undying respect and gratitude. Thanks for being part of the sisterhood that makes my sister into a superhero.

imagine her with smaller boobies, and that's my sister.


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March 20, 2008

Wow, I saw your entry on the front page and came by out of curiosity about the saturn return, but your sister is an amazing person! She get’s my vote (for, being awsome, that is, er, heh), and you, you’re one of the few men out there who appreciate us. I think Ani Difranco says it best “Why can’t all men and woman call themselves femenists, out of respect?”. Peace out, kid. <3

March 20, 2008

Your sister sounds amazing.

March 20, 2008

Your sister has some big balls, figuratively. Good for her!!

**ching** Clinks arm bands together. 🙂 I learned about Saturn Return during my teacher training. I thought it was every 27th year it happens. Something like that. I had a lot of death during my saturn return.

March 20, 2008

oh my GOD, please tell me you’ll submit this story to Lifetime Movies of the Week!!!! I am not even kidding. I need to see this on film. Or maybe an Oprah production. And while I’m dreaming big, I might as well throw in that if Salma Hayak isn’t busy I’d love to see her in some tight jeans busting open wells and wiping sweat and ash from her hardworking brow! Who do you think could play your sister in the movie version?? THIS IS THE BEST STORY EVER!!!

March 20, 2008

wow i’m in awe too….sounds totally like little house on the prairie! very cool, i’m glad they’re all ok. rock on. @};——

March 21, 2008

i’m so sorry for your sister! yeah, saturn is in virgo, which is the sign of its return for me, too — although it won’t be conjunct exactly for another year or so.

March 21, 2008

It’s a good thing you don’t care. I guess that’s a really good quality to have. I think my problem is that I care too much about stuff like that. It really gets to me…I want to be defined as my own being. I want to be bi. And I hate it when others make it their business to spread my business around…

March 21, 2008

Love the wonderwoman pic…interesting story…never heard of the saturn return though…that’s different…intriguing…

Huzzah for sis!

March 26, 2008

That is an AMAZING story. thanks for sharing it here. Would it be rude to put on her tax forms under occupation “BadAss/Bull Masturbator”?