pointy stick entry

I’ve gotten a few notes that prompted this entry, apparently I’ve been too quiet. I get it, y’all, so here is your entry 🙂

I’ve been really quiet lately because I’m a little depressed. This always happens when my yoga practice gets stagnant… why is it stagnant though? Well, it’s all of the injuries I’ve been dealing with. My practice has been primarily meditation (with and without mantra) and studying yogic texts. I’m used to a more physical practice that involves asana and meditation… and well, my body is just not feeling as good as it usually does. A lot of you readers have done yoga, and those of you who do it regularly know how it makes you feel… well, after living with it for 7 years, and then not being able to do it since April 23rd has taken a bit of toll on me physically, and that’s reflected in my mental state.

Things aren’t all doom and gloom though… softball season is underway… oh wait, I can’t finish out the season because of the ankle/knee/shoulder/wrist injury from last week’s scooter accident. Sigh.

Okay, let’s try that again… I’m flying to Dallas next Friday morning then taking a car to Plano to make an appearance at the Nieman Marcus in Willowbend mall. There’s a big Fresh event there and I’m a featured makeup artist at it… then Rich is driving up that night (Austin is just 3 hours south of Dallas) to spend the night in the hotel that the company is putting me up in. The next day I’ll be at Nieman Marcus Northpark for the same event in the same capacity. It’s fun… even though I’m sure I’ll be told that I have some insane goal like 5,000.00 in sales per day… I did it last time though, so I can probably do it again. Then Rich and I will go out that night with the others from my job. Oh yeah… cosmetics people are CRAZY when it comes to going out. They’re super social and most of them drink like CRAZY. I’ll have to make an effort to NOT keep up with them so that I don’t have a horrible hangover for the ride home on Sunday.

the Kundalini training program that I’m in is almost over… I have a retreat to go on in a few weeks and then I’ll be done. I’m actually pretty sad that it’s going to be over, but I’m even more glad that I’ll have my weekends back.

And that’s really all that I can think of… I’ve been really busy, but mostly in a good way. I can’t wait for my current sprains and contusions to get better so that I can get back on the mat and in better spirits. I stepped on a scale today… and it screamed. I’m going to need to fast, but I can’t figure which fast or cleanse I should use… any suggestions?

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April 26, 2008

Wasn’t it you who told me about the people who swallow the gauze all the way down to the intestines and then pull it back out again? Yes. Do that. 🙂

So sorry to hear about your injury. I know how that feels to be away from asana for too long. Its interesting how the pratice feels once you get back to the swing. 🙂 I wish I could find a good kundalini training program aroung here. Do you know of any good yoga retreat centers in northern TX or New Mexico?? I’m going to miss Kripalu when I move next year.

April 27, 2008

I have no suggestions on fasting/cleansing. The only thing that comes to mind is that creepy infomercial guy with the porn-stache that talks about kids’ perfect colons. Yeah, don’t do that, whatever it is.

April 28, 2008

eek about the fasting and cleansing, if you find a good one let me know, the only one i’ve ever heard of is the juice cleanse: http://www.phifoundation.org/fast.html not sure i have the willpower for it but hey i’ll try it if it really works. 🙂 so hey you’re totally a rockstar now, what with your Nieman Marcus appearances and all. lol, nice. @};——–