okay, for real this time

Sorry about the teaser entry earlier, I got the urge to write and then had to do a bunch of work related stuff. The weather down here has been pretty good, just a bit gray and cold. It was in the low 30s this week, but is supposed to hit the upper 70s this weekend. That’s weather that I can deal with. It has been a little bleak on the luxury retail end of things, but yesterday was a crazy day. I had over a thousand dollars in sales, when I normally do between a quarter to half that much. So, that was good.. On Monday I had a conversation with my boss that went like this:

boss: well… this month you’re down… in fact, your whole quarter is down.

me: yeah, it’s just been really hard to do my job when no one is shopping.

boss; but the rest of your year is great, in fact, you had already met your annual goal before the start of t his season.

me: oh, so why did you even bring that up?


I mean, I know why he did it… I just think it’s annoying.

I have spent the past few weekends observing teacher training and going over the curriculum for the teacher training track that I’ll be co-leading in January. I’m excited about that, and also a little bit nervous. This is a goal I’ve had for a few years, and now that it’s here, I’m just a little bit nervous. I sat down and talked to the director of teacher training, and she reassured me that I would be just fine. I guess I just need a little encouragement…

This weekend will be my first day off in over three weeks. I can’t wait to SIT AROUND AND DO NOTHING. And after an hour of that I’ll probably come to the center to take a class.

Okay… back to work now

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December 18, 2008

4 jobs! that’s crazy… but nice for the wallet!

Yea! A real entry!! 🙂 I love doing nothing… its such a guilty pleasure, but I usually feel TOO guilty and end up doing something!

December 18, 2008

holy cow at the 4 jobs, you’re a busy man! hope you have an excellent holiday, especially with that awesome 70 degree weather! btw, i thought i might ask, do you happen to have a good fudge recipe? thought i might try and make some this year……nothing says holidays like chocolate. 🙂 @};———————

December 19, 2008

yay for nothing! I hope you have a blast. seriously, what an annoying conversation to have with your boss.

December 20, 2008

I hope you’re enjoying your weekend off!