my day off

 Today is wednesday, and I’m off today. Having Wednesday off is kind of weird; I’m usually off on Monday and Tuesday and start my work week on Wednesday.  I worked yesterday and have today off…. oh well. It’s gray and rainy this morning and I’ve already got some laundry in the washer, dishes in the dishwasher, and I’m going to try to spend the day getting some junk out of this house. I have tons of cardboard that I just need to ditch, yo. it’s just cluttering up my dining room area, and we want to try to have a housewarming party on the 22nd, and that won’t happen if we don’t clean this place up.

It’s weird, I spent weeks busting my ass trying to get everything unpacked and in the right place when we got here, but I guess I jut hit a saturation point with that. I don’t want to do anything! Having a party is a great motivator though, even though I only know like 3 people outside of work.

Oh, on that note… I made some great friends with the people I worked with in Texas, but I don’t see much potential for that in the group I have here. They’re all really nice and funny and fun, but I’m struggling to find common ground with almost all of them outside of "we work at the same place". The average age is probably between 20 and 24, with only myself and two others over the age of 32 (among 35 employees). Their interests are pretty much shopping at the mall we work at to buy clothes to go out and have fun with… that’s not bad; not when you’re 22! But I’m not interested in that so much anymore. It’s nice that they keep asking me to join them, but I just don’t know what we’d talk about. I can’t avoid it forever, I’ll be sure to keep you posted on the excitement.

On Sunday we rode our bikes to the zoo (which is about a half a mile from our condo), and then rode along the Rock Creek Parkway for about 10 miles or so (I KNOW that I’m overestimating that!!) and ended up in the middle of DC where all of the monuments (and tourists) are. We got up close and personal with the Lincoln memorial (did you know that there is a bookstore inside there? and a bathroom too? I was totally blown away by that) (I peed in the Lincoln Memorial!). We ended up near JR’s bar and grill on the way home, so we stopped for a drink there. After a while we got a phone call from one of the people we’ve met in DC and went over to where he works for a drink; it’s a gay owned bed and breakfast. I like going there because it’s him and all of the guests in a sort of happy hour mood, and it’s like being in a private bar. I also learned that night that drinking and bicycling is not a great idea… I had a little accident with a curb and scratched my fenders a little. Dang…I hate the cosmetic damage on my pretty new bike.

Rich and I are doing well; he’s been sick for the past few days and I think I might have picked up his cold. It’s never good when we’re both sick because all we do is sit around and eat. I had lost 25 pounds before I moved up here, and so far I’ve put back on 8 of those. I think I’m going to hire a personal trainer through my new gym; they have this offer where you can get one session a month for 40 bucks a pop if you commit to a 6 month minimum. I think I need someone to be accountable to for this. It doesn’t hurt that I’ve already had my free session and the trainer really knew what he was talking about AND was super hot. I’ve been able to make it to the gym about 3 times a week, but Rich hasn’t been there in a while…. he says that wants us to go and work out together, but when we do go he doesn’t want to work out together. He likes to run around on the basketball court and shoot the ball around,and I like to lift weights for about half an hour before doing half an hour of cardio, then half an hour of yoga. We just don’t like the same forms of exercise, but mine is the one that shows better results, so I’ll stick with it. We actually had to sit down and I told him "hey, it’s okay if we don’t work out together, it just means we like to be active in different ways!" 

We have a lot of fun together, and I think that’s all that’s important. Wow, I kinda rambled again… I guess it’s easy to fall back into. 

I’m going to send out a few more emails today to some yoga centers and see if I can find even more places to teach nearby. I really need to teach, I’m losing my mind. This is the longest I’ve gone without doing it for 10 years, including the month I left to tour Europe. Okay… off to work!

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When you get into more yoga studios or teaching more, you’ll make more friends who you have more in common with… in the meantime, you could just go out and drink with the young ones and laugh at them! LOL Sounds like you are well on your way to having a good social group though… No, drinking and biking is NOT a good idea… I found that out the hard way too! LOL

RYN: Yea… teaching one on one is a bit awkward at times. I like the groups too, but at the same time, teaching one-on-one can be really rewarding. Yoga resume… I was asked for one a while back when an insurance company wanted me to teach a stress reduction class for them. So, i had to pull one together. Now I just keep it up to date on my website. Hey… if you are ever traveling up to PA and would want to do a workshop, I’ll pass your info along to the owner of Easton Yoga. She’s always looking for new and interesting things.

I think I would pee exclusively in the Lincoln Memorial. That’s something you could talk to you co-workers about! I’m not very helpful.

October 19, 2011

great update 🙂

when you said ‘I had a little accident with a curb and scratched my fenders a little’ I thought you meant you fell off and scratched up your butt until I read the next line. lol! ryn-I am a firm believer that love is the most important thing in this world. It can make or break us. It can lift us up and tear us down. For the most part, when we find the right person, it is the reason we keep waking up each day and knowing that things will be ok for they will always be there to catch us when we fall or make us smile when we are down. Why would anyone want to deny that to anyone? I hope that one day you and your love are able to have the same rights that I do.

November 21, 2011

RYN: Glenn actually managed to get it open for me. It was funny because I told him I couldn’t get it open and he gave me a knowing smile (he always laughs when I have trouble opening jars, though not in a mean way), but then HE couldn’t get it open. He finally had to take pliers to the effing thing. I know they did the packaging that way so the whole thing could be hung as an ornament, but WOWannoying.

November 24, 2011