
This weekend went by pretty quickly. I was in teacher training all weekend… there was softball practice, but I couldn’t make it because I was in training… and on Sunday morning I was trying to get to my training but had to take some crazy long outta the way path to it because of the marathon that was running through town. I was 20 minutes late, even though I had planned on arriving 15 minutes early. Garr, it was annoying. I wouldn’t mind except that the city closes down for big runs like this like every two months and it’s hard to get through town when you can’t get on the highway.

This coming weekend is white tantric yoga, I’m so excited! 8 hours of meditation and chanting! sweet. And no, it’s not sexy yoga times, you dirty hussies. That’s red tantra.

My sister has been pretty quiet lately, but in better spirits than I’d have guessed. She’s just quiet… and looking on the brighter side of this whole experience. She thought she was unable to conceive, and now she sees that she can… so she’s going to keep trying. I told you she was strong, right? She totally is.

I feel like I don’t have a whole lot to say… I’ve been busy with work, yoga, working on the yoga… I do have an appointment with the tattoo artist again next week. This time I’m getting my rose and magnolia colored in. After that I’ll be getting some pansies and a bird of paradise tattooed on my forearms. I kinda want an orchid, so we’ll see…

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February 18, 2008

lol i was totally thinking sexy yoga. btw, i’d love to see the bird of paradise tattoo, my mom used to have a huge bird of paradise plant…i only saw it bloom like twice. so cool looking. @};————–

I love meditation and chanting… I wish I could work more of it into my classes without feeling like students are bored! They love the asana.