I’ve been kinda busy….

last week was a pretty busy week for me… I was excited about going to Dallas for my Spring training with Fresh; I had already heard about most of the new products and was excited about getting my hands on them and trying them out, but I was also kinda scared that I would sleep through my alarm and consequently miss my flight. I had to wake up around 4:30 or so to be able to make it to the airport in time for my 6:30 flight. I didn’t have to check anything since it was just a day trip (I did bring along a bag because I knew I’d need to check it on my way home- it would be full of new product!).

So I was happy to see a new color palette (that’s industry jargon for a compact with multiple items- in this case 3 eyeshadows, a blush, and a bronzer), a new lip gloss (yawn, it’s red. go fig), and a fragrance. I thought I would love it, but it has yet to grow on me… it’s a variation on the cannabis santal fragrance that I love; it’s a cannabis fragrance with bulgarian rose topnotes and well… it’s like intense super rose on me. I don’t dig it that much right now. But I love the lotion and shower gel that accompany it (it’s just that the fragrance is too intense for me).

I do love our new skincare items- an exfoliating scrub and a lightweight moisturizer. Both of them contain fruit acids to remove dry skin and the 2nd item also corrects hyperpigmentation. I’ve seen before-after shots of it and it really seems to work. I’ve only been using it for about 5 days, I’ll let you know what my skin looks like after a few weeks…

In other news (I feel the need to balance the superficiality and commerciality of my cosmetics gig) … teacher training was a rollercoaster ride this weekend. Saturday was our presentation on the chakras and, not surprisingly, almost every group taught a short meditation the stimulate or balance their respective chakra. See, that sounds good, right? but the way it worked out was that the meditation that was done was just a portion of a set… so without the proper warmups and wind down, it succeeded in bringing up some junk for me without putting it away. I left class that day exhausted and so. fucking. irritated. I wanted to make pizza afterwards and bought all of the stuff I wanted but couldn’t find focaccia… annoying! So I went to whole foods… and their focaccia is like freakin’ corn bread. I wanted FLATBREAD. So I said aloud "fuck this" and went home and made a tuna melt. i still have all of the pizza fixins sitting in my fridge. I would make pizza tonight, but I’ve decided that I’m fasting today.

Sunday was pretty awesome though… we did some yoga to start the day off, and then we spent the rest of the day in lecture with Siri Bahadur Singh Khalsa, one of my favorite teachers EVAR. He’s always been sweet to me, and has encouraged me to teach even when I said "aw hell to tha naw" to that idea. Anywho… he ended the day with some amazing mediations that used a lot of chanting (I love chanting!). He played the guitar and everyone just cut loose… there were some amazing voices in that room, and it was so uplifting. I left on a cloud that night.

And then we went out for a drink. yay!

My tattoo artist has the flu and I couldn’t get any work done on my sleeve last week. I have an appointment with her for Wednesday night, it should be awesome 🙂

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January 28, 2008

new makeup always makes me giddy. I always have visions of trying something different and dramatic, and in the end I stay safe and natural. Ahh, maybe one day I’ll figure out how to do my eyes properly!

January 28, 2008

i completely understand the funk you were in…..i’ve been stuck in one for a few weeks now, although paining my toenails a lovely shade of lilac is helping cheer me up, lol. i hope you find some focaccia to make your pizza with. 🙂 @};——-

January 28, 2008

yeah that’s funny. i was reading about the “superficiality” of your “cosmetics gig” and thinking to myself, “huh, he’s so much more earthy than that!” in other words, i don’t think you have anything to worry about in terms of your “realness.” 🙂

January 28, 2008

RYN: I wasn’t trying to encapsulate all of gay life…I was being vague/limiting myself to kind of make a point. Thanks for reading.

January 28, 2008

i would so love to be in a Whole Foods and hear you randomly say “fuck this” and storm out. it would make my total shopping experience.

What style are you getting certified in. Isn’t it funny how we are called to teach even when that little voice inside wants to make us doubt all the time! It irks me!!

RYN: ooooo, Kundalini. Nice! I love it all too! 🙂 Have you heard of or tried Svaroopa? One of the places I teach is into it big time and the students eat it up! I enjoy it too, altho it is a completely different style than anything else out there. I’m certified Kripalu.

RYN: yes, I’m an idiot and spelled sikh wrong. I’m not prejudice. They actually are wonderful people, but have an odd way of raising their children. I will check out your center. I love the url! 🙂 Mine is oldemillyoga.com.