I’m over it ( NSFW)

iF you’re under 18 years of age or can’t stand naked booty, or the idea that men have booties and are sometimes naked with their booty, then FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE DON’T SCROLL DOWN! There’s a naked booty down there, and it’s attached to a man.

I’m so done with people telling me how to vote. Just a few years ago, I was very involved with my local politics and have a lot a political type friends, and I’m so sick of them right now. Last night I had this conversation with someone wherein he said "It’s so sad how some people are supporting hillary. It’s like they don’t even know…" and that statement set me off. I hated how it made him look really smart and other people look dumb and pathetic WITHOUT EVEN SAYING ANYTHING.

So here’s what I’m doing… I’m going to vote, and I’m going to vote(okay, I’ve already voted, but I’m not telling you who I voted for. Okay, I voted for Hillary. VA-JAY-JAY POWER!) without an outside influence, AND THEN I’M GOING TO SAY THAT I DIDN’T VOTE.

Shortly after that gem fell from his lips, he told me about his one and only sexual fantasy, which involves this very Mr Clean-esque older man and a black guy. He wanted to be a plantation owner. You can take it from there. Ugh, I’m officially unfriending him in the real world.

i'mma ethnically cleanse you bitches!


I refuse to end on such a sucktastic note. How’s this?

the cat's name is growler.

cute man-body, and a kitteh!

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“iF you’re under 18 years of age or can’t stand naked booty, or the idea that men have booties and are sometimes naked with their booty, then FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE DON’T SCROLL DOWN! There’s a naked booty down there, and it’s attached to a man.” *DIES* *sees naked man booty and then comes back to life* *cough* I’ve resolved not to discuss personal politics this election unless it’s with people who pretty much feel the same way I do. This goes against everything I stand for in every other area of my life, but I’m so f#@%ing sick of the nastiness of American politics. It’s not even like the candidates are all that different (within their respective parties, anyway). Thank you for the man-booty. I’m writing a paper and needed something wonderful like that. Also, your unfriend is nuts.

OMG, IS HE NEKKID WHILE CHECKING MYSPACE!?! HE IS! *falls over dead again*

RYN: thanks for the article. It looks like they are just selling super-food powders though. We are eating actual foods… its working out well so far. The only difficulty is the amount of work that goes into it. But, its not so bad. We’ve been doing our homework and learning so much!

Oh, and thanks btw for that wonderful glorious picture! 🙂

March 3, 2008

You KNOW that cat is looking at the frank-and-beans and wondering how hard she can smack the beans and if they’ll make whirly little circles around the frank. . . . . . . . . . . Sorry to any guys who are now nursing Big Jim and the Twins.

March 4, 2008

ok let me just say hooray to this whole entry, girl power and the booty shot. very nice. 🙂 @};———-

March 5, 2008

Ugh, that guy was an asshole. It’s times like this that I wish I could vote. I hope McCain doesn’t win just because he’s a white man…