happy birthday to me

I had a really great birthday, in fact I feel safe proclaiming it the best one yet. It had all the right things… let’s bullet list them!

  • self indulgence – I got a realy great massage at the Yoga Yoga 360 spa. If you check out that link, you will see the treatment I got listed as the Aloe Rose scrub/wrap/massage. Wow, it was amazing. After that I shared a cupcake with two girls who also got the same treatment, and also have the same birthday as me. Saturday found me at the Cheesecake factory eating dinner and a piece of cake that was so outrageous that it took me and Rich two sittings on two different days to finish it. It was awesome.

this is too much for one person, trust me.

See it here! starting with the bottom layer it’s a layer of chocolate cake, then a brownie layer, then a cheesecake layer, then more brownie, then more chocolate cake. In between each layer is some pecan-coconut icing. Really good, but really rich, and entirely too much for one person. As I mentioned, it took Rich and I both two days to eat this.

  • Great friends – I had so many birthday wishes that I was just feeling really loved. Old friends, current friends, family, students… it was just really heart warming.
  • super awesome presents! – I have to admit, Rich isn’t very good at shopping, and the past few years have seen him gifting me with clothes that just don’t work for me. I"ve never said anything about this, because hey, it’s a gift! And I think also, that he might think I will look good in whatever style he picks out (invariably something along the lines of Abercrombie and Fitch or Ruehl 23),  and I do want to try to look good for him… but usually it ends up in his wardrobe. Well, this year he bought me clothes that I like, some video games (resident evil archives for the wii, and HP6 also for the wii), and a stapler and calculator (covered in rhinestones) for my office. There were other things, like books and music from my students, and gift cards, and a sweater, and more books… all in all, a very good haul this year. My inner 5 year old is appeased.
  • fun things were done – we socialized and had a good time on two occasions this weekend. It’s always good to see people.

and that’s it… now I have to get to work!

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July 20, 2009

Happy (belated) birthday, my b-day twin! I had a great birthday too. …except for the fact that I did NOT have that cake pictured above. I needs it. I needs it, precious.

July 20, 2009

oh my, happy birthday! glad you had such a good time. that cake looks divine! @};————-

July 20, 2009

happy birthday!!!

July 20, 2009

Cake! Oh, yeah – Happy Birthday!!!!

July 20, 2009


I like the chocolate swirly design on the plate. 🙂

July 20, 2009

That DOES look tasty. I’m glad you indulged in the cheesecake factory! Although, my favorite has always been the tiramisu that they serve…. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I think I wished you one on FB. 🙂

July 21, 2009

Happy Belated, Doodle!