Dear Diary

 I haven’t written in forever, but that’s because my life has gotten a little hectic. I never did get to go to the training that Sephora had booked for me. They booked me for two different ones, and a few weeks before either of them I was told that the payroll budget was short that month and that I would have to be rescheduled. It was a bummer, and since that job is my part time, just for fun job, I have kinda checked out of there. I show up and do my  job, I have fun doing it, but I don’t seem to compelled to go above and beyond the normal level of participation there anymore. I did just hear that another coworker is going soon; they’re sending her to LA. Yeah, I’m a little bitter. They’ll probably try to send me soon, and it will conflict with my teacher training schedule. 

That’s the silver lining on the horizon… in about 3 weeks I will be leading my own group of students in a hatha yoga teacher training. I currently have 15 students signed up, with about 3 more signing up in the next week. I am hoping to finish with 20 people at the most, so that the crowd is manageable and small enough that we can all get to know each other over the next 10 months.

Rich has been away from home more lately; he found a job with the oil cleanup effort. I’d be hard pressed to explain exactly what he does, but it has something to do with geographical information that is collected by like 7 different organizations and compiling it and sometimes making a fancy map that shows it. He’s been in Mobile, Alabama a lot lately. Right now he’s at home; he got a week off after 3 weeks away, and he will be going to Houston in a few days, then back to Mobile. It kinda sucks to have him gone so much, but I’ve grown really comfortable in my own space… I like being able to go to yoga classes all the time, and the gym (sometimes twice a day). I cook and eat at home, and I don’t go out to bars… it’s nice. 

I have been borrowing his mom’s truck, and apparently someone hit the passenger side of it while I was parked… no note or anything, and in fact I didn’t even notice it. She did though, and I don’t think she’s happy about it. The thing is, she had a bad accident where she hit another person as she was pulling out of a parking spot, so I don’t think she has much room to complain. Oh yeah; Rich also paid for that truck, and still pays for the insurance and the gas. So yeah… deal with it lady.

We’re finally about to break even after the financial fiasco that our bad vacation planning brought about… I can’t wait. In a little over a week we will be all caught up with mortgage payments, car payments, and bills. That will be such a relief. Whew.

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August 17, 2010

I really hate it when people hit my car and don’t leave a note. I used to work in a mall and no matter how far out I would park there would be a new dent in my truck at least once a week, and no note. Somehow someone even managed to ding my tail gate, which was up. I wish people would own up to it when they make a mistake.

ug, that sucks about the truck.. but good about getting out of debt! 🙂

August 17, 2010

that’s awesome about your group! I noticed on my page it couldn’t even tell me when I read you last, so yeah its been a while since your last update! lol!

August 17, 2010

sometimes its just nice to have personal time…but i’m sure its nice to have rich back home for awhile, 3 weeks is a long time to be away. sorry the sephora job is dragging but its great to hear that your full time gig is going full steam ahead. how’s the scooter? @};————–

August 18, 2010

re: the truck dents – people are just so rude to not leave notes! kudos on getting caught up money wise. that’s a relief!

August 18, 2010

That’s awesome that Rich is helping with the oil cleanup! that rocks. Glad the financial situation is improving, too