busy, but missing something

I’ve been super busy for the past few weeks, and I’ve really missed writing here. I’m still reading a few times a week, and noting when I can… let me try to be all nutshell-y and update really quickly.

I’m working 4 jobs, and have allergies from heck. I can’ t breathe through my nose at all right now and that’s causing interesting problems with the way I talk, sleep, and eat. Good times!

I’ve had drama at work. I don’t want to say which job, or how it came about, but let’s just say that I’m not the happiest that I’ve been. Just to quell any worries; I’m fine… someone at work did something terribly drama-filled that was related to me (said something about me, actually) and when it came back to the higher ups, they decided that they  needed to talk to him. It will resolve itself tomorrow and hopefully everything will go back to normal.

Did I mention the allergies that are ruining my life? it’s the Oak pollen. Ugh.

I’ve been going to the gym and swimming regularly, and I’m loving the results.So are the boys, apparently, based on the frequency and content of comments lately. If I were single, I’d be a busy boy.

I’m going to a bunch of SXSW shows this week, including Tori Amos on Thursday! She will be doing a short of songs from her upcoming album, I’m so excited I could pee myself!! JUST DID!!

and I think that’s it… there’s probably more, but I have to get to work…

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March 18, 2009

wow – you always stay so busy! i do hope the drama thing resolves itself. how annoying!

March 18, 2009

sucks about the work drama, they should just throttle whoever was talking trash on you! how annoying. hope your allergies calm down, mine are freaking out right now too. i even started using the neti pot instead of allergy meds…..its a work in progress. 🙂 @};————-