blargh, again.

I had ANOTHER scooter accident. As i was driving home on Friday night after a meeting with a student that I’m mentoring in the hatha yoga teacher training program, a car turned from an intersection RIGHT into my lane and I had to swerve to avoid hitting him… and that caused my bike to fall. Right on top of me. My leg was pinned by the bike, and when I rolled (damn you momentum!) my left ankle was sprained pretty badly. i also banged up both of my knees and jammed my right wrist and shoulder. ugh, pain is so not cool. I’m sitting here now with my left ankle bandaged up and a cold compress on my left knee, which is practically BLOOMING with pretty purple bruises. Sigh.

oh, and I ripped my favorite pinstriped pants and put a hole in my new bag. Sniff, so sad.

But I’m alive, and that’s good news in my book. I’m gonna take a nap and see if i can talk Rich into taking me to see the new Jackie Chan/Jet Li flick, it looks awesome.

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April 21, 2008

what did the Russian judge give you? 😉 sorry… couldn’t resist… glad you’re okay though. heard that movie suks… fyi

April 21, 2008

Did you get his license plate? Let’s go throw rocks at his car. (hope you’re ok, sweets)

April 21, 2008

WTF??? You poor thing!!!

April 21, 2008

Blooming like heliotropes? Bruises are the ONLY time you don’t want something to bloom like a heliotrope, you know.

April 21, 2008

glad you’re okay…poor scooter, share the road people!! argh, too bad about the pants and bag, i hate ruining great clothes. 🙁 @};———-

April 21, 2008

That is terrifying! I’m glad you are (mostly) o.k.! *hugs*

April 21, 2008

glad you’re okay 🙂

April 22, 2008

that sucks! I hope you feel better. let me know if that movie was good. It looks like one that requires a flask. 🙂

April 22, 2008

OMG, now we have twin ankles! (go to the doctor and make sure you didn’t break that damn fibula!)

RYN: Nope, actual tail of a fox. I wear it. When walking around the Ren Fair, it swings quite nicely with my hips. *grins broadly*Light of heart,

oh how i miss your updates….you must be so busy! i remember when i used to read your diary at work, way back when everyone was in a writing frenzy posting two entries a day. @};——–