back in the groove

 It’s so good to be back… I can’t get over it. Yesterday Rich and I went hiking at the Barton Creek Greenbelt for just over 2 hours and then went to Whole Foods for lunch. I like to play this game where I go to Whole Foods and wait to see how long it takes until I run into someone I know; this time it took less than a minute. As we were leaving I ran in to another friend who said "welcome back to your new old life!"

Earlier this week my friend Gigi came to town; she’s from DC and we used to practice yoga together… She’s on a cross country road trip heading to Los Angeles where she will start a 12 day tour. It was great to see her and get to hang out. I only mention this because ANOTHER friend from DC is coming to Austin tonight on a cross country road trip to Los Angeles… and she and I will go to yoga together! How odd is that? Is that the new thing?

Rich and I joined a new softball team, and the guys on it are a blast. On Sunday we went out to a Gay Sports Conference to represent our league and we were having some cocktails (it was held in a bar). I was holding an empty glass when a guy on my team just came up and handed me a new drink… and another guy from my team put my straw in his nose, snorted my drink, and then hit the floor. My jaw just dropped and he hopped up laughing… apparently he saw my empty drink and thought it would be funny to pretend to snort it and didn’t see me get a replacement for it. It was weird, but then it was funny. I’m looking forward to our next season.

I’m meeting with some folks tomorrow who teach donation based classes to the lgbtq community, specializing in yoga for transfolk. They were told to contact me by some of my teachers… we’re going to work on some sort of project… I’m hoping to teach asana and chakra therapy for the gay community in general. The work is the same as regular yoga, but the understanding of why you’re doing it has to be recognized… I’ll keep you posted on what develops as I don’t really know where we’re at or what we’re going to do.

off to work… got to get ready to teach Intro to Hatha Flow to the hatha teacher trainees!


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August 30, 2012

i’ve never seen the Q in the LGBTQ before, I admit that I totally had to google that. 🙂 yay, feeling smarter now. Ok, your friend GiGi is amazing at making herself up, wow. she must be fun to see perform. glad you’re back home and loving things.

Sounds like you guys are in for a pretty entertaining softball season!

September 17, 2012

ryn: how did you start knitting. I was thinking about taking a class or maybe watching some you tube videos. i’m not quite sure where to start, but I know i learn better by watching someone else.

Ryn thank you so much. I have a few inspirations in my life and you are one of them even tho we never met.

ryn: i’ll be in south west austin, oak hill area.

Maybe you can let me know whats up on food there? I’m hoping you’re in south austin somewhere! Bookmarking you.

RYN you know… I used to be against teaching them to ppl just because I didnt know how to DO them… To be honest. Do you know the version with 4 blocks? I swear, I have ppl doing it that never thought the could and they LOVE it!!

Hey there… I have a question for you. As I’m getting more comfortable with headstand with my legs on the wall I’ve been trying now to move my feet away from the wall but it feels really erratic and jerky. Do you have any tips to help me… Any queues?

November 7, 2012

RYN: YESSSSSSSSSS I love Korra! Not as much as TLA, but it’s still awesome. I love the steampunk aesthetic. (Though as cute as Pabu is, he’s no match for Momo and/or Appa.) Feel free to swipe the “WERK” gif for your own! I change profile pics every week, so it’s free for the taking.

yoga!? I’d love to!! Where are you? I’m in Oak Hill. Also, how much do the classes run? Thanks!!

yeah, text me if youd like, 903-238-4635. or email works too, i’ll just answer faster to text, thanks! 🙂 i’ll map it!