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 I just spent a little time reading through my entries from my year in Washington DC and it’s interesting to note how I mostly wrote when I was sick. Also: I have a cold right now! What are the odds!!

On our first day in our condo in DC it was raining super hard. We had moved up in between two different hurricanes (driving through the blue ridge mountains in pouring rain at night was NOT fun) and after unloading our van and dropping it off we came back from the liquor store with supplies to celebrate with to find that our living room was was flooded. The unfinished wood floors soaked up water, warped, and began growing black mold. I had 6 sinus infections in the 10 months we lived there, it was afwul.

This cold is the first one I’ve had since I’ve moved back, and I’m glad for that. I didn’t like having a cold every 6 weeks. So now that I’ve bored you crazy, what’s up?

Rich and I had a good holiday season; he got hired by the City in mid December but he didn’t start until January 2nd. We were able to get around the holidays by digging through the bins of stuff that I get for free from Sephora. We put together gift baskets for the people we needed gifts for (we spent nothing!) and then did our own gift exchange a week before st valentine’s day… I had bought him an ipad mini, but he didn’t like it. I tried it also, and I didn’t care for it either… we both have iphones so we just returned it and he bought some dress shirts, ties, and an indoor grill instead. He got me sewing lessons (I asked for them), and I’m really looking forward to them.

Lately I just hate shopping. I can’t find clothes that are just right for me. I figured it was time to try making the clothes I want since I can’t find them anywhere. 

His job is going really well, he loves it. We’ve been going to the gym. I tried to quit Sephora, but they didn’t take it well. Instead they offered to let me work only 3 days a week during the day… how could I resist that? 14 hours a week, good pay, and lots of good free stuff? Sign me up. So yeah… I’m teaching my classes (except for lately, cuz I’m sick), teaching in the training program, working just a little at Sephora, and getting ready for sewing lessons. 

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ryn: hmm which one? I have Stella and Stella Nude. I want free stuff from Sephora!! 🙂 I still want to do your class, but I think I’m quite far from you. Now that I’m familiar with the city a bit more, tell me again the cross streets?

Of course you only write when you’re sick. You never stop moving otherwise! =)

February 20, 2013

ack, sorry you’re sick! I got a flu shot this year, first time in for-ever, so i’m crossing my fingers that i stay healthy. Hope you’re getting some much needed rest and relaxation! 🙂 btw, i love your “lonely” pics and think is so very cool that they’re going to be displayed! rock on!

How is the sewing going? That is awesome that you put together free gifts for everyone! Sephora does give away some pretty cool stuff.