an even better routine

 I’m fully settled in to my teaching schedule, and it’s great to have that routine as a foundation for everything else. I put in my notice at my retail job, but they refused to accept it. Instead we worked out a way for me to work there and not be completely annoyed by working there… I’m only there during the day, 3 days a week. It’s good, and I think it will work out. So now I teach and work Monday through Friday, and after my 9am class on Friday I’m free to do whatever I want until Monday at noon. I don’t think I can ask for anything better work-wise. 

I’m getting ready to hang out with my friend Bylly, I haven’t seen him in a few months so I’m excited about that. Lunch, shopping, maybe a move… who knows? That’s all really, nothing super exciting going on today…


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July 14, 2013

RYN: It was this shiz: The description on the website says it’s self-tanner, but the sample packaging definitely didn’t!

July 18, 2013

Happy birthday, birthday twin!