a recap

Dallas was a lot of fun, but I was sick during most of it. I actually felt kinda crappy on Friday morning as I got off the plane, but took some tylenol and got a latte. We had to get right to work though, so I just didn’t think about it too much. When I got dropped off at the hotel hours later, I was convinced that I was sick… When Rich drove in, he also said "wow, you look like crap". I did.

I made him take me to a drugstore to get zicam, tylenol, vitamins, and a case of bottled water. I basically drugged myself back to wellness so that I could work on Saturday. After that, we had dinner at a Mexican restaurant that was highly recommended and maybe just a little bit over-hyped. It was good, but not amazing.

Saturday was a whirlwind of business, and I actually felt a lot better at the end of the day than I did at the beginning of the day. After work, I went back to the hotel and napped for an hour before we went to my bosses’ house. His partner is in the business of restoring and appraising art, so their house was filled with some amazing work… everywhere. We had some sushi in downtown Dallas… and only in Dallas will your sushi restaurant have a Cher impersonator working the room and singing. A little shopping followed, then we went dancing at a few different bars and headed home just before 1am.

We woke up around 8am and got out of Dallas…we had softball to play on Sunday, so we got back in time for our games (the last games of the season), and then we went out for drinks with our team later. Fun.

Today is Wednesday, and my morning classes were cancelled because of construction. The space next door is going to become our administrative offices; home to our teacher training dept, marketing dept, and support staff. Today is the day that they break down the wall between our new space and our current space, so there will be dust everywhere… so no classes. That’s okay, I need the time to study; tonight is my final exam for the kundalini program that i’m in (finishing). Speaking of which, I should be studying, not writing here… so bye!

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mmmmm, Mexican food… Sorry… reminicing!

May 7, 2008
May 7, 2008

I hummed the tv-show theme song in my head while I read this entry. I hope you don’t mind 🙂

May 7, 2008

I didn’t like Dallas, and I stayed at the Hilton (Lincoln.. park? square?) I thought it was disgustingly big, and the people weren’t full of southern hospitality. I was only there for a night, though. And those corkscrew things are WICKED looking. I could never drive there.

May 7, 2008

good luck with the final!