a day off

On Wednesday I had a really great day at work, doing almost 1000 dollars in sales just by talking to folks and having a good time. It was fun too.

But when I left, my scooter started acting weird… it was slowing down and sputtering so I drove it straight to the shop instead of going home. As it turns out, my air filter was so dirty and clogged that my engine was having a lot of trouble working… my poor scooty couldn’t breath 🙁

So anyway, they cleaned it, but I haven’t picked it up yet because they just today (Friday) did the work, and it wasn’t ready for pickup until the late afternoon. I’ll hopefully pick it up tomorrow on my way back from work, I think.

I took yesterday off from work, and today I got to do some shopping… I wanted to just wander and I found myself down on the UT campus. It was there that I found this guy who made jewelry out of silverware, and it was all very, verry tacky. Fork necklace, for real? I mean… for real?? and then…

I found a ring that was made from an antique spoon handle. The spoon handle had a pattern of lotuses all over it, and I interpreted that as an omen that I should buy it (I have a lotus tattoo on my right arm). When I asked the artist how much it was and he said "5 bucks, no tax" I counted out some singles and walked away with a new ring. It’s pretty unique, and y’alll know I love me some unique, yo.

I saw my tattoo artist last night. She took pictures of my arm for her portfolio, and then she wrapped my arm in tracing paper and sketched out what I already have, and then we talked about some work I’ll have done pretty soon. I’m going back ot see her on the 21st (just about 9 days away now) to have the outline and shading done on a rose bud and a magnolia in full bloom done on my right arm. I’ll go back for color about a month later. My mother’s favorite flower is the magnolia, and my dad’s favorite is a yellow rose. After those are colored in, I’ll probably wait a few months and go back for two more… a pansy (for my sister), and bluebonnets (for Rich). After that I’ll frame the sleeve with leaves and fern fronds, then maybe I’ll be done. My artist and I talked about entering it in the Star of Texas Tattoo Art Revival next year…

Can I just say that I love having a friend who’s a tattoo artist? I get original artwork at a really great price…I’m getting an awesome discount. Sweet.

Okay, I should read some diaries and then get to sleep…

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January 12, 2008

I forgot to tell you that I bought some Hermes foofy spray for Mike for Christmas. The only place that sold it….. Sephoria. I thought that was strange. Oh, the guy who helped me was wearing full on make-up..and he was hispanic. I totally thought of you.

January 12, 2008

RYN: yes I HAVE actually….I was *this* close to buying them just for the novelty factor…I may just do that now!!! teehee.

January 13, 2008

post pictures of the tattoos when they’re done! I’ve seen jewelry out of silverware before and while I have infrequently seen some interesting things done, you’re right, for the most part it looks REALLY tacky. It’s like – dude just because you can bend a fork doesn’t mean it looks good.

January 13, 2008

i’m glad your scooter didn’t have major problems! yay for free anything. 🙂