Things to do before I’m 30

I am running out of time for the ‘Things to do before I’m 30’ style lists- I have 480 days…roughly. The are a couple of reasons I thought I would mention it; One is because Glastonbury takes place this weekend and it is one of the things on my list. I don’t have an actual list wrtten down or anything, perhaps I should! However, there are certain things in my head I would like to do/achieve before this approximate date. I am not scared of reaching 30 or anything but I just feel there are some things I would really like to have done by then and one of those things is going to Glastonbury. It just looks such a wonderful experience and nearly everyone in the world seems to have been, or at least been to a similar large scale festival… but sadly not me yet. I have always needed someone to go with really (not sure it is a great idea on ones own or a whole lotta fun on ones own!) and people always say ‘oh we should definitely do it , oh yeah definitely next year we should go…’ blah blah blah but it never pans out.

My other half hasn’t been to Glastonbury,although he has attended festivals before… actually he has done a lot of things which sometimes makes me a bit/lot envious- but also is one of the things that attracted me to him the first place- he has done and experienced a lot. Anyway that is by the by, he has said that we will go together and since he hasn’t been to Glastonbury either it would be a nice experience to share together- I like being in a tent with him. *many smiles!*

The other reason for thinking about the things I want to do is that one of my friends and I have been discussing a certain predicament she has found herself in, that in my eyes is doing nothing for her- but has gone on for a very long time indeed. Being as it is an affair of the heart the only one that knows truly what is right for her, is essentially her. Trouble is when you are a close friend of someone you can see things affecting them in what you feel is a negative way which is very hard when you want the best for someone and you can see that is definitely NOT what they are getting.


I am afraid I got a bit distracted there and so will have to continue this at a later date!

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I am turning 30 in October so I am aware now there are many things I wont do.. like a festival or swimming with dolphins. I guess I will just have to fit them in before I turn 40!

June 29, 2010

How are you? You have a nice diary. I wish you all the best, -marko